Pref #24:Father's Day: 1 Year Later

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"Happy Father's Day, dad!" Diana and Declan cheered as you and Patrick walked down the stairs.

"Thanks guys." Patrick chuckled kissing Diana's cheek and picking up Declan.

"So, what did you guys do for your old man?" He teased.

"Well, last year, breakfast was a bust." Diana said, glaring at Declan.

"So this year, we kept it simple." Declan smiled, ignoring his sister's harsh glare.

"And what's that?" You giggled

"We're heading to uncle Pete's so you and mom can have a proper day to yourselves!" He cheered.

"What?" Patrick asked in confusion.

"We're leaving you and mommy alone so you can give us another sibling!" Diana smiled. You blushed and looked over at Patrick.

"Who told you how babies are made?" You asked.

"Bronx." Diana giggled.

"Yeah! He said a man and woman who love each other do this grown up thingy! I think it's like Chex mix, but I forgot to ask Bronx if there was a connection." Declan explained.

"Guys, I wanna stay with you guys in Father's Day. You two are the reason I'm a father." Patrick chuckled.

"Yes, forget about your wife who carried both children for 9 months." You said sarcastically.

"Shushies, you had your day last month. My time." Patrick teased.

"We love you dad." Diana smiled.

"And I love you two." Patrick smiled back.


"You ate dads cookies!" Ruby cried.

"I didn't know! They didn't have a note on them or anything!" Zander apologized, feeling guilty.

"He and mom are gonna be home from dinner with grandpa soon. What do we do?"

"We make our own!"

"But I don't remember mama's recipe."

"We can wing it."

*Time Skip brought to you by Zander adding pepper instead of nutmeg to the cookie mix after finding out that there was no more nutmeg*

When you and Joe got home, you saw Zander watching tv as Ruby played with her dolls. 

"Hey guys! How was everything here?" Joe smiled.

"It was good." Zander shrugged.

"Ruby, Zand, didn't you have something you wanna give to daddy?" You asked.

"Yeah, we made you cookies daddy. Happy Father's Day." Ruby smiled, handing Joe the freshly made plate of cookies.

"This smell delicious guys. Thanks a lot." Joe grinned, picking up a cookie. He took a bit and his face turned up in disgust. Was there pepper in here?

"Do you like it dad?" Zander inquired. Joe put on a smile and nodded, still holding the first bite of the cookie in his mouth. He didn't dare swallow it.

"Well then eat it silly. They're all for you." You giggled. Joe swallowed the cookies with much effort and faked another smile.

"I think I died...and went to heaven." He said, adding the last part quickly. Joe had to throw up those cookies after, but it was worth it seeing the happy look on his children's faces.

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