Patrick Imagine: Let's Make Patrick Uncomfortable Round 2!

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A/N: Requested by @livilind. Once again there will be sexual jokes. Just a warning.

"Round 2. Right here, right now." Pete texted you. You were annoyed for two reasons: one, you were both in the same room. Two, you already knew what game he wanted to play.

"Pete, I'm not doing that to my boyf. He doesn't like it." You texted back. Pete pouted and looked back down at the phone. You don't even know why he was texting you, Patrick wasn't even in the room at the moment.

"If you play with me and win I'll take that annoying chick on a date." He texted. You dropped your phone in shock and looked over at him.

"The one who borderline stalks you?" You asked in astonishment.

"Yeah. Dinner and I'll drive her home. Hell, I'll even end the date with a kiss." He sighed.

"And pics or it didn't happen."

"Deal." You smiled just as Patrick came back into the room.

"Hey, what're you two talking about?" He asked wrapping an arm around your waist.

"(Y/N) was just giving me tips about riding." Pete smiled. Patrick's grip tightened around your waist as he looked at you.

"R-riding?" He stuttered.

"Yeah, I did it a lot when I was younger." You shrugged.

"Big or small?" Pete asked.

"All sizes! My first time was in freshman year. It was with this guy named Chad. He introduced me to the big one." You lied trying not to laugh. Patrick's face was beet red and he looked like he wanted to ground to swallow him whole.

"W-wait, did you say freshman year?" Patrick asked.

"Yeah. Most of my friends started even earlier. Most around 12." You explained.

"I gotta go." With that, Patrick turned on his feet and ran to his room.

"But wait, I was just about to talk about proper horse care! You can't just treat the poor animals like trash!" You giggled. Pete bursts out laughing and high fived you.

"Damn, I'm not even mad about going on that date! It was worth it." He laughed.

"I hate you guys!" Patrick called from upstairs.

"Love you too Pattycakes!" You and Pete chorused.

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