Joe Imagine: The Feeling Pt. 3

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You sat in the pizza shop with Isabella and Michael.

"He's late. I don't like him." Isabella stated. You judged her and shot a glare.

"Chill. He'll be here with his friends soon." You replied.

"But he's taking so loonnnnnggggg. I'm hungry (Y/N)." Michael complained.

"'re in a pizza shop. Order a slice of pizza." You stuttered in shock of Michael's stupid statement.

"Oh yeah." He laughed, getting up to get s slice of pizza.

"(Y/N) when is your friend and his friends gonna be here? It's getting late." Isabella groaned.

"It's a Friday night!" You sighed.

"Still late." Isabella mumbled.

"Shut the fuck up." You joked.

"Woah, you kiss your mother with that mouth." A familiar voice teased. You gasped and saw Joe standing behind you.

"Joey!" You cheered. You got out of your seat and hugged Joe tightly.

"Hey there cutie. I missed you today." He smiled.

"I missed you too. Are these your friends?" You asked.

"Pete Wentz, Andy Hurley, and Patrick Stump. All three nerds, all my best friends."

"My friends are complaining and eating pizza. Isabella and Michael." Joe just smiled and held your hand.

"They'll get along." He confirmed.

To be continued...

Fall Out Boy Imagines 3: Return of The FeelsWhere stories live. Discover now