Pete Imagine: Free

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*Warning!! Feels!!!!!*

Your life was pretty crappy, but you always had someone in your corner.

Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the Third.

It started when you were 8. Your parents worked a lot, leaving you with a bitchy babysitter. You always left your house and sat on the porch, anywhere to get away from the babysitter. That's where you met Pete.

"Hey, why are you sitting out here? It's getting dark." The caramel colored skin boy asked. His curls sat beautifully on top of his head. He watched as you sat on your porch swing, tears falling from your eyes like diamonds.

"My mommy and daddy aren't home and my babysitter is mean." You answered, the sound of your soft voice barely reaching Pete's ears. He gave a smile showing a space where a tooth should be.

"You can come over to my house! My mom is making dinner." Pete said excitedly. You smiled back softly and stood up from your porch, running to the boy. You threw your arms around his neck and sniffled.

"Thank you." You mumbled.

"You've always got a friend in me. I'm Pete." Pete said hugging you back.


Things didn't end there. You became a regular over at the Wentz household. Dale and Peter the second would always set a spot for you at the dinner table. One day, when you were 14, your place at the table was set and ready for you, but the seat was left empty.

"(Y/N)! Where are you?" Pete asked, looking around your house. It was when he heard the sound of your parents yelling that he realized where you were. Pete climbed the tree in your backyard and found you crying.

"What are they fighting over now?" He asked quietly.

"Who's gonna get custody of me." You sobbed and stuttered. Pete pulled you into a one armed hug and let you cry in his shirt, the tears flowing from your (E/C) eyes like a faucet; one that Pete didn't know how stop.

"No matter what happens, you'll still have me. I promise." He whispered into your ears. You just cried harder and let Pete hum softly to you.

High School was no walk in the park either. Living with your mother had been a good decision, but you occasionally missed your father. Kids would always find some stupid reason to tease and torment you. Who knew 16 could be so cruel?

"Hey (L/N), did you enjoy your daily dumpster dive for an outfit today?" One girl snickered and her friends laughed along. You frowned and gripped the straps of your backpack tighter.

"Nice hat loser! Really brings out your disappointing personality." Some jock laughed. You kept walking until you bumped into a familiar face.

"Pete." You mumbled. Pete gave a soft smile before glaring at all your tormentors. He scoffed and intertwined your hands with his.

"Come on. We should get to lunch." He mumbled, kissing your knuckles. You let yourself be pulled to Pete's pick up and got in.

"I'm thinking pizza, is that okay?" He asked. You sniffled, bringing Pete's undivided attention back to you. You grabbed his arm and leaned into his chest as tears fell from your eyes.

"You won't leave me right?" You cried. Pete kissed your forehead and stroked your hair.

"I won't leave you (Y/N), promise." He mumbled.

At 18, Pete left for college and that meant you had to leave him. He was your safety blanket, the one person who really gave a shit about you. That was when your life really hit bottom.

"You promised. You said you wouldn't go." You sobbed as you stood in front of Pete's car, all packed up and ready for the trip; without you. Pete took your face in his hands and frowned.

"It's only for a few months and then Christmas break I'll see you. Then we wait for spring break and any chance we get. I'm still gonna be there for you (Y/N), as much as I can." He explained. You shook your head stubbornly.

"You're gonna be studying to be a big shot lawyer and I'll be studying to be (Dream job). There's not gonna be anytime for me." You sniffled.

"(Y/N), I'll always have time for you." Pete assured you, kissing your forehead. He removed his hands from your face and smiled.

"I want you to call as soon as you reach on campus. Mom and dad are gonna wanna know too." He said as you watched him get into the small car. You waved goodbye one more time before driving off.

Currently at 28, you stand in the green grass with your now husband, Pete, smiling and as happy as can be.

"Pete! Grab Bronx before he eats the grass." You giggled, watching as your 9 month old son tried to put the grass blade in his mouth.

"Come on Bronx, that's most definitely not pizza." Pete teased, his brown eyes crinkling with happiness. You laugh at them and laid back in the grass, enjoying the warm sun kissing your face. Pete watched in happiness and astonishment. After all those times he'd seen you cry and look so broken, he was so happy to see you finally alive and happy.

Pete was just glad to finally see you free of all your problems. Free from your crappy life. Free to be who you wanted to be.

Free to be with him.

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