Joe Imagine: You're Not Leaving Me

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"(Y/N), please. I'm no good for you. You need to understand that." Joe sighed.

"You don't get to tell me who is good or bad for me Joseph Trohman! I decide my own fate and I decided to take my chances with you!" You yelled. Joe looked down at his feet, unable to take your glare on him.

"You'll never see me. I'm going to travel a lot." He mumbled.

"You have to come home sometime." You countered.

"I never know when that'll be."

"Oh well. I'll be here." Joe slammed his hand down on the table.

"Dammit (Y/N)! I'm trying to save you! Can't you see! You're gonna be here all alone for the most part of a year and I'm gonna be traveling the world! As much as I love you, I don't wanna leave you alone. I'm leaving you so you can be happy!" He yelled. You stomped your foot on the ground as tears sprang to your eyes.

"You think I'll be happy if you leave me? I'm going to be heart broken, Joseph. I'm not gonna lie and say I can live without you because I can't! I love you so much that it hurts me that you're going to be leaving. Alright, I hate the fact that your band is taking off because now I'll barely see you, but I will be fine knowing that you'll come back. I love you Joseph and I'm not settling for anyone besides you!" You cried. Joe bit his lip and walked towards you.

"(Y/N)...I don't want you to be alone." He muttered.

"I don't care as long as you're still with me." You sobbed. Joe nodded and kissed your forehead.

"I'll stay with you baby girl, I promise." He promised. You nodded and hid your face in Joseph's shirt. You would never let him leave you because he was the best thing to ever happen to you.

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