Pref #6: Pretend Dating

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A/N: I got this from a prompt generator

(Sorry I got carried away.)


"I hated High School! They made fun of me for my braces, glasses, and my fashion sense." You explained.

"And all those things changed. They can't hurt you anymore (Y/N)." Patrick sighed. You pouted and pulled out your high school yearbook.

"There is one more thing they teased me for." You said softly.

"Wait, where did you just pull that out from?" Patrick asked in confusion. You flipped to the "most likely" page and found the picture you were looking for. You were wearing thick tinned glasses, braces, and a pink Spice Girls t-shirt. The label was "most likely to adopt at least 12 cats".

"This is why I need you to come. You need to pretend to be my boyfriend. Patrick groaned and took your hands in his.

"(Y/N), it would be worse if everyone found out you were lying." He stated.

"But they wouldn't find out! Come on, you pretended to be a demon who killed his 3 best friends; how hard is it to pretend to be my boyfriend?" You begged, giving Patrick your puppy dog eyes.

"You're lucky you're cute." He grumbled.

"Yay!" You cheered.

*At The Reunion*

You walked into your old high school gym wearing a black skater dress and matching flats. Patrick had worn a white t-shirt and cardigan along with black skinny jeans.

"Thanks again for coming. This means so much to me." You said honestly.

"If it makes you happy, I have no regrets being here." Patrick smiled. He kissed your hand and you rolled your eyes.

"I knew you were great at pretending." You scoffed playfully. You and Patrick walked to the snack table when you heard a gasp from behind you.

"I recognized that face as soon as I saw it. Although it was missing some pimples, glasses, and braces. Didn't think you were gonna show tonight, taking care of 12 cats is hard work." The voice said. You groaned and plastered a fake smile on your face.

"Bethany, it's great to see you again." You lied.

"You too! Who is this? I don't remember going to school with such a fine piece of man." She flirted, touching Patrick's arm.

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