Patrick Imagine: Don't Go Around Catching Feelings Pt.2

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*1 Months Later*

Patrick got off of the bus feeling the weight he carried all tour heavier on his shoulders.

"Come on man! Smile, we're home!" Pete cheered, wrapping an arm around Patrick's shoulder.

"I can't help it. It was here that the love of my life broke my heart." Patrick sighed.

"Dude, don't take it so hard. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Although you'll never find another (Y/N), you'll definitely find someone to make you happy." Andy assured.

"Yeah right." Patrick mumbled.

"Do you mind if I give (Y/N) a call? She has my coupon to the pizza place." Pete said awkwardly.

"Yeah whatever." Pete picked up the phone and dialed your number. When he got off the phone, his face was pale.

"What's wrong? (Y/N) lost your coupon?" Joe teased.

"(Y/N) is in the hospital." Pete breathed out. In a second, Patrick broke out into a run and ran towards the hospital, two blocks away. When he got to the front desk, he was sweating and out of breath.

"(Y/N) (L/N) please. I'm her friend." He panted. The receptionist directed him to the room and Patrick sprinted there. He opened the door to see you of all color drained from your body. You looked smaller and more frail than when he left.

"(Y/N), what happened to you?" He asked softly. You opened your blank eyes and grunted in pain.

"I'm sick, Patrick." You explained. Patrick took your hand in his and chuckled through the tears forming in his eyes.

"How sick are we talking?" He sniffled.

"Unknown sickness. It's killing me rapidly but it's not infectious."

"How long have you known?"

"I found out the day of your first concert."

"Is that why you turned me down?" You closed your eyes as you erupted into a coughing fit. Patrick held your hand tighter as tears fell from his eyes

"Yeah Patrick...I...I didn't want you hurt by me." You confessed. Patrick shook his head and placed his soft, warm lips on your cold forehead.

" baby. You could never hurt me. Just being in your presence is a blessing." He sobbed.

"I'm sorry Patrick. I'm so sorry." You cried with him.

"I love you (Y/N)."

"And I love you Patrick."

You died 2 weeks later and Patrick cried continuously, but he never regretted any of the time he spent with you. He'd never find another you and he was perfectly content with that.

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