Joe Imagine: Lost Pt.4

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Previously, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

"Where are you going?!" He yelled.

"Away from you!" You hissed.

"Eat the fucking soup!"

"Shove it up your ass!" You ran as fast as your legs would carry you and collapsed in your bed. You ran your hand over your now flat stomach and began to sob. Did you really kill your own child?

Now, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

*July 2009*

You held your bags in hand as you stated at your house one last time.

This was supposed to be the house you spent the rest of your life in.

You were supposed to raise you child here alongside with Joseph. Your child would have left for their first day of school here and possibly bring their first boyfriend or girlfriend here.

But all that was taken from you in the matter of a minute.

You closed your eyes tightly before taking in a deep breath. You had to do this. If you stay any longer, you might as well be dead. You took a step towards the door as the first time you met Joe appeared in your mind.

It seemed so long ago...

You took another step and remembered the day you found out you were pregnant.

You were happy then...

Another step and you were at the door, hand and the knob. You remembered falling down the stairs and laying there as your child died inside of you.

You wish you could take it back...

You opened the door and walked to your car. Joe was out so he hadn't heard or seen you. In fact, he doesn't even know you're leaving. You turned on the car and drove off, not once looking back.

Joe's POV

I pulled into the driveway half heatedly. I was glad to be home, but I know that as soon as I opened that door, I would be met with another argument. I sighed and got out of the car holding the can of soup. Hopefully (Y/N) would eat it today. I opened the door with my key and walked in.

"(Y/N), I'm home! If you're up for it, I brought you some more soup." I called. I didn't get a reply, which was normal, but this time, the house felt empty.

"(Y/N), are you home?" I asked. I walked up to the bedroom and was surprised. All of her stuff was gone. Her clothes, her perfumes, and pictures were just missing.

"(Y/N)?!" I called out in fear. 

She can't be gone. 

She couldn't have left me. 

It's impossible. 

I picked up my cell from out of my pocket an dialed her number. It wen't straight to voicemail.

"(Y/N) this isn't funny. I'm sorry for our arguments. I know I said some dumb and hurtful things, but none of them were true. I was just mad. I understand that you're probably mad at me too, but just call me so I know you're okay; please. I love you (Y/N)." I spoke into the answering machine. There was nothing else I could do. I sat on the couch, watching the phone, hoping that it would ring.

It never did.

To be continued...

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