Andy Imagine: Black Lives Matter

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A/N: I interrupt you're regularly scheduled continuation of Finding Love In A Frog's Stomach, to write this. What has been going on in the world is sickening to me. Some police officers, who are supposed to be there offering aid and assistance to those who need it and keeping the community safe, are instead using their guns so irresponsibly. It outrages me. I tried to stay as calm as possible but I am pissed off. As a black person, I find it so sad that the majority of people who are killed are people of colored. Not saying that all lives don't matter but right now, not all lives are being targeted. It's mainly black lives, so if anyone has a problem with this statement, please unfollow me now because I honestly don't want your ignorance polluting my page. This is an Andy X Black!Reader and I'm sorry for the rant. I am just so tired of all this hate and ignorance in the world.

Andy sat on the couch with his eyes widened in shock. He looked over at his girlfriend who was mortified. Her dark hands covered her mouth in surprise and he saw tears spring to her eyes.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" He asked softly.

"This-This is not okay." She mumbled.

"It's really not."

"How can someone just shoot another person like that! There-there was a child back there! He was only trying to get his license like he was asked!" (Y/N) sobbed in anger. She was literally vibrating with rage. Why should the pigment of someone's skin make people more suspicious of that person? Andy slipped a hand in hers and squeezed it tightly.

"It's okay. One day things will change." He promised.

"You don't believe that and I sure as hell don't! This has been going on for years Andy. White people will never see black people as equals and that sickens me! We are all the same and we all deserve life!" (Y/N) yelled.

"I know that, I really do." (Y/N) lowered her head and leaned into Andy for support.

"I hate this world. It's so ugly and full of hate. This world will burn before peace and equality ever exists." She stated. Andy just tangled his fingers into her braids, feeling the texture to comfort not only himself, but his girlfriend.

"Hey, even if the world never changes, you have me and the color of your skin will never matter to me. You will always be my (Y/N) and I will always love you." He confessed, kissing (Y/N). She smiled into the kiss and pulled out, tears in her eyes once again.

"Thank you for being alive Andrew John Hurley and thank you for being mine." She sniffled, tears falling out of her eyes. Andy just hugged his girlfriend as the tv continued to bring about the devastating news.

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