Pete Imagine: Great Meeting You Pt. 2

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You walked over to the blonde man, feeling your legs shake in fear. You didn't want to be nervous, but this guy was a 10 and you felt like a negative 1,000. When you finally reached him, you smiled and stuck out a hand.

"(Y/N) my name is." You stuttered. You blushed in embarrassment at what you said.

"Sick Yoda reference. I'm Pete." The guy chuckled. You smiled again as he shook your hand.

"Not to sound weird or creepy in any way, but I've been watching you for most of the night." Pete confessed.

"Well, if I'm going to be honest, I have too." You giggled. Pete smiled and looked over at the bartender.

"Another glass of whiskey and something nice for the lady, please." He ordered. Your drinks came and you gulped yours down in one go. Sometimes you just needed to be able to depend on liquid courage.

"You know, its sort of pointless to just stay here when we could be doing...other things with our time." You smiled. Pete mirrored your smile and leaned towards you.

"And what kind of other things do you have in mind?" He asked. You giggled and moved your lips towards his ear.

"Call a cab and you'll find out." You whispered. Pete took out his phone, calling for an uber, while you glanced over at your friend. They were giving you thumbs up as they were talking to someone. You smiled and but your lip in excitement.

"Uber's here." Pete informed you.

"It's about damn time." You scoffed, downing your drink, before dragging him to the car waiting outside.

To be continued...

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