Patrick Imagine: Open Windows

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A/N: The pic was ms screwing around on snapchat. I'm so stupid XD. Enjoy the imagine!

He was cute that's for sure. You lived in an apartment building with a large window in your bedroom. Usually you kept it covered but one day, you accidentally left it open and that led to you meeting the man in the building next door.

Hi name was Patrick.

He was a nice guy and not too bad on the eyes. His bedroom window was situated right across from your own, giving you a friend to talk to. Patrick usually slept in later than you, so before you leave for work, you'd always leave a good morning note on the window. It was nice to have a friend like Patrick.

Only, Patrick didn't want to be your friend anymore. He was slowly falling for you and wanted to take you out on a date. He just couldn't find the courage to do it.

One night, you came home from a particularly long day at work and you just needed to dance it out. It was long, tough, and stressful, but a good dance was sure to make everything better. You connected your phone to your speaker and let your favorite song blare from the small box.

Patrick was laying on his bed reading a book when the music caught his attention. He smiled at the thought of you finally being home. At last, he could talk to you. Patrick drew back his curtains and blushed at what he saw. You were in your room dancing like a maniac wearing a band shirt and white underwear. Patrick noticed that you didn't seem to notice him, and he knew you could turn around any second, but he couldn't tear his gaze from you.

The way you moved so freely, swinging your hips to the beat, and the small smile the was slowly appearing on your face.

That night, Patrick decided he would throw all of his stupid doubts away and just go with whatever happened. He would ask you out and see what happens from there. Just by seeing you dance and smile so freely, he knew you were special.

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