Joe Imagine: Man Bun

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You woke up to sun shining in your eye. You rolled out of bed, stretching your bones back into place. After stretching, you walked to your bathroom, your hand finding its way under your white tank top to scratch your back.

It was a good scratch.

You looked at your reflection in the mirror and smiled. Today was a good day. You had a day off, the temperature was supposed to pretty good for Chicago in May. You grabbed your toothbrush and brushed your teeth. After brushing, you grabbed your blue sweatpants and skid them on your bare legs. It was a bit to hot for pants that night. You found yourself walking to the kitchen and starting up the coffee machine. The sun was streaming through the kitchen window, once again, giving you a warm fuzzy feeling. You put a bagel in the toaster and waited with your cup of freshly brewed coffee. There was a knock at the door and you opened it to find the morning paper. You smiled and picked it up before shuffling back to the toaster. You brought the coffee cup to your mouth as you took out the bagel from the toaster. It was a warm golden color. You grabbed some butter and spread it in the bread. Finally you sat at the kitchen table, reading the paper. You were so absorbed in the comics section, that the lips on your neck startled you.

"Morning beautiful." Joe mumbled against your neck.

"Morning Joey. I made you some coffee." You giggled.

"Sweet!" Joe cheered. You turned to look at him and what you saw made your day 1,000 times better. Joe had his hair pulled up in a man bun as his sweatpants hung off his hips.

"Damn daddy. Nice bun." You commented, hiding a smirk behind your coffee cup. Joe turned to you slowly with a small smile on his face.

"Did you say nice bun or bum?" He asked. You shrugged and gulped the bitter coffee down your throat.

"Both is good." You teased. Joe chuckled and picked you up as you set your coffee cup down.

"Joseph!" You giggled. Joe just smiled and kissed you deeply.

"Good morning (Y/N)." He mumbled against your lips.

"Morning Joey." You mumbled back, kissing him again.

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