Joe Imagine: When You Love Someone

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A/N: Based on the song by James TW

Joe pulled up in his car to the school since he got a call from Zander's teacher. He got out of the car and made his way into the school.

"Mr. Trohman." The teacher said.

"Hi Miss Jackson. I'm sorry to be seeing you under such terms." Joe sighed. Miss Jackson could tell from his disheveled appearance that Joe was going through something rough.

"Yes, it's just that Zander is such a bright young man yet he seems to be drifting away. He's fighting more and it's so surprising." She explained.

"Just...things are hard right now." Joe frowned.

"He's in the principals office waiting for you." Joe walked into the office and saw Zander sitting with his head bowed in his lap.

"Hey knuckle head, let's go." Joe whistled. Zander looked up and followed Joe to the car.

"Harry started it." Zander sighed after a long pause of silence.

"I don't care who started it. Your mother and I didn't raise you like this." Joe snapped, opening the car door.

"Why isn't mom here? She usually picks me up." Zander scoffed, getting into the passenger seat. Joe noticeably cringed, unable to put the key in the ignition, and looked over at his 13 year old son. Zander always did prefer his mother, being closer to her than to him.

"Well Zand...things are...different at home." Joe said slowly.

"Whatdya mean?" He asked.

"It's all for the best."

"Dad, you can tell me."

"You see Zand, sometimes moms and dads fall out of love and it's better to have two homes than one."

" and mom don't love each other anymore?" Joe bit his lip and looked down at the steering wheel. He saw your sad (E/C) eyes in his memory and sighed.

"It's more complicated than that Zand, but please, just, don't tell Ruby. She's so young and she wouldn't understand." Joe pleaded.

"Did mom do something? Did she cheat on you? Did you do something? Did you cheat on her?"  Zander accused.

"No buddy. No one did anything wrong."

"What's gonna happen to me and Ruby?"

"Nothing's really gonna's just a minor change. You can still keep your old friends and your old room at the house. You'll only leave it on weekends."


"Yeah, that's when you and your sister stay with me."

"This doesn't make sense! Why would you guys break up? Don't you love us anymore?" Joe looked up from the wheel and into his son's teary eyes.

"Oh Zander, your mother and I will always love you and Ruby. Trust me's better this way." He sniffled, his own tears falling from his eyes.

"But dad, you're crying. How is any of this okay?" Zander cried in frustration.

"Your mother and I are gonna cry sometimes and its no reason to be alarmed. This is just...hard...for the both of us."

"I just don't understand. You and mom were goals." Joe looked out of the car as memories from a month ago flooded his mind.


"Joe, I can't take it anymore! You're never home, and when you are, it's like you don't even notice me." You cried hysterically throwing your hands up in defeat.

"Work has been hard. I'm so sorry." Joe apologized.

" always say that."


"I'm not asking you to choose, but just prioritize. Is there anyway you can make more time for me and the kids? Please Joe, please."



"I don't think I can." Joe watched the tear fall from your eye like a diamond, sliding down your cheek before disappearing under your chin.

"Then maybe it would be better if we just weren't together then." You mumbled. Joe wanted to protest, he wanted to scream and yell for you to reconsider, but he saw how tired you looked. Tired of being ignored.

"And is that what you want?" He asked lamely.

"No...but it's what needs to happen." You sobbed. You stood on one side of the kitchen counter, Joe on the other. At that moment neither of you ever felt farther away from the other.

"What's gonna happen to the kids?" I asked.

"We'll talk about it." You whispered.

*End Of Flashback*

"You'll understand when you love someone Zander." Joe sniffled, wiping his eyes. He took in a deep breath before exhaling.

"Let's pick up your sister." He said. Zander just looked out of the window, his whole world feeling as if it was falling apart.

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