Pref #31: He Blames You

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"Diana! Are you okay mi amore?" Patrick asked his 7 year old daughter in worry.

"I-I'm okay daddy." Diana sniffled, hugging Patrick. You pulled up in your car and ran over to your husband and daughter.

"Diana, oh my gosh, what happened?" You asked, taking her in your arms.

"I was at Madison's house and her dad came and started yelling at her mom and step dad. He started throwing things and pulled a gun on her." Diana explained, tears filling her eyes again. Patrick pulled her back in his arms and glared at you.

"You let her go to Madison's house?" He asked.

"Yeah. Madison's mom and I've been talking about it for a while. She just wanted it to be a day when she had Madison." You said.

"So you knew about her father?"

"I knew that her father and mother weren't together anymore and her father was abusive."

"And you still let her go?!"

"Are you trying to say it's my fault Patrick, because if you are, I think you need to back up and think again." Patrick just scoffed and looked down at Diana.

"You should've known better." He mumbled, leaving you dumbstruck and confused.


"Mr. Trohman, I'm afraid Jimmy is dead." The vet said.

"What? No, please there had to have been something more you could've done." Joe pleaded, tears filling his eyes.

"The impact was too much for him. I'm so sorry." The veterinarian left and you turned to Joe who was sobbing into his hands.

"Joe I'm-"

"I don't wanna fucking hear it (Y/N). You killed our son!" He cried.

"Joe, I know Jimmy was like a son to you but he's gone now and I'm so sorry. How about we get another?" You suggested.

"You wanna replace Jimmy?! No one will wag their tail like Jimmy or bark like Jimmy! You killed him!"

"I didn't see him in the rear view mirror!"

"You killed one of the only things that mattered to me." Joe turned away from you, wiping away his tears.


"You fucking bitch!" Pete grumbled walking into the hospital. You stood up, Danielle and Saint both looking up.

"Daddy!" They cheered. They ran to hug Pete as he glared at you.

"Pete, it was an accident." You tried to explain. He just scoffed and looked down at Saint and Danielle.

"Hey guys, mommy and daddy are going to talk for a minute. Just sit here alright?" Pete requested. Saint and Danielle nodded before running back to their seats. Pete grabbed your arm and dragged you away from the children.

"Where is Bronx? How is he?" Pete asked.

"He's fine! Minor concussion. He's just not as good as football as I thought." You sighed.

"Football?! (Y/N), you know that's dangerous! I can't believe you'd be so fucking stupid." You flinched and looked down at your shoes.

"You were way nicer to me before the divorce." You mumbled.

"You were never like this before." Pete spat.

"I still don't even know why you wanted a divorce. The kids miss you! Seeing you on weekends isn't enough Pete."

"Listen, I don't want to talk about this. I gotta go see my son." Pete turned to walk away.

"I'm sorry Pete." You sniffled. He stopped and let out an audible sigh.

"I'm not the one you should be saying sorry to and you know that." Pete said before leaving to see Bronx.


"Never again?" Andy asked sadly.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Hurley. When you were in the accident, a piece of glass lodged it's way into your spinal chord. Perhaps with rehabilitation you could regain 75-100% percent mobility. Even then, 75% isn't much." The doctor explained. You silently wiped your eyes and looked over at your husband.

"Thank you doctor." Andy mumbled. The doctor left the room and you went to put a hand on Andy's shoulder. He slapped your hand away and harshly glared at you.

"You did this. You with your shitty driving skills!" He growled. More tears fell from your eyes, knowing he was right.

"Andy, the car ran the red light and into us." You sobbed.

"You should've fucking seen it! Look at me (Y/N)! I may never walk the same again! And it's all your fucking fault!" Andy barked. You lowered your head into your hands and began to sob.

"I-I'm sorry." You cried.

"Just...wheel me to the car already." Andy sighed.

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