Andy Imagine: Cliche

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It was the most cliche of the cliches. 

You met him in a coffee shop. 

Andy walked into that coffee shop at precisely 7:00 Am as many other coffee addicted customers rushed in, hoping to fill their tired bodies. You were sitting over in the corner of the coffee shop, trying not to fall asleep. Your train was running late, meaning you would also be late to work. 

Typical Monday.

Andy ordered a tray of three coffees for his friends waiting in the car. He lost rock, paper, scissors so he was on coffee duty. Just as andy turned to leave the shop, you got up to go and get to the train. Coincidentally you just happened to get in andy's way of exit, and he spilled not one, not two, but three cups of hot coffee on you.

"Oh my gosh!" You exclaimed, finally woken up.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry." Andy gasped. You looked at him, fire in your eyes, and grabbed a napkin. 

"Someone hand me a pen!" You yelled. Some frightened man handed you a pen, hoping to avoid your wrath. You took the pen and scribbled your number onto the napkin.

"You're paying for my dry cleaning!" You demanded, handing Andy the napkin.

"A-Andy." Andy stuttered, attempting to introduce himself. What can he say? He had a thing for females of power. 

"Whatever." You scoffed. You walked out of the coffee shop to catch your train and Andy walked out to his friends in the car.

"Yo, where's the coffee?" Pete whined. Andy just smiled and slid into the backseat.

"I just met the love of my life." He whispered. 

"The love of your life? Dude, you were in there for 10 minutes, maybe less." Joe scoffed.

"Shut up Trohman, or do I have to give you your birthday punches now?" Andy glared. Joe just raised his hands, offering peace.

"So, how'd you meet the love of your life?" Patrick asked.

"I spilled three cups of coffee on her." Andy sighed happily, while the guys looked at him like this:

" Andy sighed happily, while the guys looked at him like this:

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"You spilled our coffee on her?" Pete asked slowly.

"Yeah, and she gave me her number!" Andy showed everyone the napkin which read:

Dear Jackass

You're paying for my dry cleaning, jerk.



"Her name is (Y/N), and I'm gonna marry her someday." Andy smiled. 

"Psycho." Joe mumbled, earning his first birthday punch of the day.

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