Pete Imagine: Home

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A/N: Based on the song Home by MAX (I love him *insert heart eyes emoji*)

Pete's POV

I laid in bed as the night life sounded around me. Leaves rustled in the wind and the occasional car drove by. I squinted at the red LED numbers on the clock. 

2:00 AM

I groaned slightly and turned away from the clock, facing (Y/N)'s sleeping and peaceful face. I smiled and moved a strand of hair from her face. I closed my eyes and started thinking. I was thinking about the future. Where would I be? Where would (Y/N) be? Would we still be together? Would we be living in a big house or this dingy apartment? The next time I looked at the clock, what I saw shocked me.

5:00 AM 

Damn, I really need to get my insomnia in check. 21 years old and I can't even trick myself to fall asleep again. I know I can't have control over everything in my life. I can't plan everything and I can't know everything. Well, now it's harder to know everything that's gonna happen, because I met (Y/N). I can't imagine life without her and I can't see too far into the future with us. I know I love her and I know she loves me, but I just don't know what's gonna happen next. I knew it was useless trying to sleep again, so I just got up and decided to head to work. No one packs bags at a grocery store better than me...

*At The Grocery Store*

I sat in the backroom with Patrick, Andy, and Joe since it was a slow morning. Those who come in are usually old and use Brendon's register. He has some charm towards the old people or whatever. 

"So, how's (Y/N)?" Patrick asked, looking at me.

"She's fine. This is her 10th time this week sleeping over." I reported.

"Why don't you ask her to move in? This is probably her dropping hints or something." Andy scoffed.

"I mean, I love (Y/N) and all, but I never know how to advance the relationship with her. I don't wanna read into something the wrong way and then she leaves me." I confessed.

"Just ask her, man. If she's staying over so much, she probably wants to wake up next to you every morning." Joe smiled encouragingly.

"You guys are right. I will ask her." I smiled back.

"Do it now." Andy ordered

"What? Why now?" I whined.

"Because you're hyped up. Do it any later and you'll chicken out." He explained. I sighed and left the backroom. I guess I was gonna have to tell her now...

*Back At The House*

When I walked into the house, I instantly noticed something was off. The kitchen didn't smell of breakfast foods and the living room was quiet. (Y/N) always made breakfast and watched tv after I left for work. I wandered farther into the house and saw (Y/N) sitting on the couch in silence.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" I asked softly. She turned to me as I saw tears in her (E/C) eyes.

"I-I think I'm pregnant." She stuttered. My heart dropped as well as my body. I fell onto the couch in shock, surprise, and disbelief. (Y/N) walked over to me and took my hands in hers.  She said, 

"Look at me, baby. Do you wanna have this baby?" 

Will she still be my baby if I say no?

To be continued...

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