Pete Imagine: Are You Gonna Stay The Night?

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You giggled as you and Pete stumbled into your apartment, drunk off of your .

"(Y/N), SHHH! You neighbor is gonna be pissed if we wake her up again." Pete warned. You nodded in agreement and clumsily closed the door behind you. 

"Wait...I have an idea." You gasped. 

"What is it?" Pete asked.

"Let's drink more!"

"Yessssss!" You stumbled into your kitchen, and pulled out two large bottles of wine.

"Will this work?" You asked in confusion.

"Well is their alcohol in it?" Pete scoffed.


"Then open it!" You and Pete sat on your carpet, drinking glasses of wine and laughing at nothing.

"Do you remember your old boyfriend? What was his name? Miles? Midway? Mikey?" Pete asked.

"Mason?" You answered.

"Yessss!! He was like...Bucky with the good hair."

"I think you mean Becky with the good hair?"

"James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes has perfectly good hair. Don't correct me peasant!"

 Don't correct me peasant!"

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"Whatever. Why'd you'd you bring up Mason?"

"He was a sucky boyfriend. I hated how he treated you." 

"Well, he's long gone now though. I only wish that the bed wasn't so big. I miss cuddling with someone." Pete gasped, spilling his wine on the carpet.

"Duuuuude! I'm like world champion of cuddling! I can always cuddle with you." He exclaimed.

"But wouldn't that be weird? We're friends." You giggled.

"Friends cuddle! I cuddle Patrick all the time and Joe cuddles Patrick too!"

"Friends cuddle! I cuddle Patrick all the time and Joe cuddles Patrick too!"

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"Okay, we can cuddle." 

"Yay!" Pete cheered, making you spill wine on your shirt and his.

" wine?" You whimpered.

"Woah, it looks like you have blood on your shirt." Pete pointed out, poking your white shirt. 

"Oh damn." You mumbled, sliding the shirt over your head. 

"Oo! I wanna take off my shirt too!" Pete clapped, throwing his hirrt to the corner of the room. You giggled and took his hand.

"Come on, we're going to cuddle!" You cheered. You and Pete crawled in your big bed, smiling at each other like idiots.

"Do you wanna be the big spoon?" Pete asked.

"No, I wanna be the itty bitty baby spoon." You said in a baby voice. Pete laughed and pulled you into his chest, his arms wrapping around your waist.

"Let's get some sleep. Tomorrow morning we'll be puking our guts out." Pete mumbled in your ear.

"Okay." You smiled in content.

*Time Skip brought to you by Pete finding out you move in your sleep, so every time you move he hits you with a pillow and pulls you back into his arms*

You woke up to bile rising in your throat. You ran to the bathroom, only to find it occupied by Pete. He was sitting by the toilet wearing sunglasses and holding a bottle of water and aspirin.

"Sorry princess, toilet's taken. Try the tub." He mumbled, before throwing up in the toilet. You turned to the tub and emptied the contents of your stomach. After your stomach was empty, you took in your lack of a shirt along with Pete's.

"Hey, did we..." You asked.

"I don't think so. No matter how drunk I am, I will always remember sex with a beautiful woman." Pete winked. You chuckled and shook your head.

"Ass." You mumbled.


*Time skip brought to you by you and Pete working very hard to sober up that day. At one point you both ate two huge burgers in an attempt to soak up the alcohol*

When night rolled around, you sat on the couch with Pete, watching some movie on Netflix.

"You cuddled me last night." You recalled.

"Yeah, was that weird? Should I have not?" Pete worried.

"No it was fine! I...I just haven't gotten that good of a sleep in a long time."

"Oh, well it was my honor." Pete turned back to the movie, but you took his hand in yours. Pete stared at you with concern in his brown eyes.

"Whats up?" He asked.

"Stay with me again?" You pleaded. Pete smiled and kissed you softly, surprising you.

"I'll stay whenever you ask, Princess." He whispered against your lips.

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