Patrick Imagine: Now I'm Grown Pt. 2

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"Patrick Stump...come here and give me a hug, you!" You cheered. Patrick, still shocked by your change, managed to stumble over to you.

"(Y/N), look beautiful!" He exclaimed, hugging you.

"It's all apart of being a Wentz. We're beautiful people." You teased, smiling along with your brother. Patrick chuckled at the uncanny similarity in personality between you and your brother.

"(Y/N) and I are going out for lunch to catch up and then I'm taking her out to see L.A. and the sights. Don't wait up losers." Pete said, taking your hand.

"Bye guys. It was great seeing you." You called as you were being dragged out of the house. Andy and Joe both smirked at each other before looking at Patrick, who was still fixated on your previous location.

"Patrick has a crush." They both sang.

"Shut up." Patrick blushed before walking up to his room.

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