Pete Imagine: Bite Me Pt. 5

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Pete's POV

I flipped a vampire over my back when another came at me. I grabbed this one's arm and snapped it.

"You really should've thought about that." I growled.

"Whatever Pete. You think you're hot shit all because you refuse to follow William? Well now your little human has to pay the price for that." He laughed.

"What do you mean? Where is she?!" I barked. The vampire just laughed and I snapped his neck.

"(Y/N)!" I called.

"Looking for this." A voice said. I turned to see William holding (Y/N).

"Let her go." I snarled, showing my fangs. William just laughed and ran his fingers through (Y/N)'s hair.

"I like this one, Pete. She's very feisty." He teased. I looked into (Y/N)'s eyes and saw anger and fear.

"I'm the one you want. Take me and let her go." I bargained.

"Pete, no!" (Y/N) protested.

"I don't want you! I want...her." William said softly, stroking (Y/N)'s cheek.

"Me?" She asked fearfully.

"Ever since I killed your parents and saw you, I've wanted to be with you love. Make you my queen." William explained.

"Yeah sorry, not sorry. If there's one vampire I'll ever belong to, it's certainly not you." (Y/N) spat before driving her stake into William's side. He let go of her and she ran to me.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked checking her for wounds.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You good?" She asked holding my hands.

"Better now knowing that you're okay." I confessed. (Y/N) smiled and looked into my eyes.

"So how about that date?" She asked.

"I'll be ready." I said pulling her into a kiss. During our kiss, (Y/N) gasped and went limp in my arms. I pulled back and saw her silver stake sticking through her chest.

"Thank you Brendon." William wheezed at his lackey who smirked deviously.

"You'll have to do better than that if you want me dead!" William spat.

"No no no! (Y/N), get up! Please!" I cried. I looked around for the guys and saw them all being held by vampires.

"It's the end of the line, Pete." Brendon hissed throwing me to the ground and I didn't fight back. I already felt dead inside.

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