Pete Imagine: Golden

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A/N: This a continuation from my Pete preference in Pref #10: How To Save A Life requested by thelittlewolf45 .

She's dead

She's dead

She's dead

No matter how many times I tell myself, I won't believe it. (Y/N) cannot be gone. It was all because of a stupid fight! If I just didn't bring up her sorry excuse for a boyfriend, she wouldn't have left and she wouldn't have died! It's all my fault and no matter how many times my friends tell me its not, I know it is.

I see her at night in my dreams. She always looks so beautiful and calm. It's almost like things are back to normal and she's still here with me. Once every week though, she appears in my nightmares. She's wearing the blood soaked clothes and her eyes are black as midnight. The once beautiful (E/C) eyes that I loved to gaze into are gone. She tries to reach out to me, to grab me, only to whisper "It's all your fault."

I hate that nightmare.

Patrick, Joe, and Andy have tried to convince me so many times that (Y/N) doesn't blame me, but with that nightmare I keep having, how am I supposed to believe that?

I loved her...I loved her but I never told her! How could I be so stupid? Sure maybe she didn't feel the same way, but just being able to tell her? That would at least let me sleep better knowing she knew.

Knew how much she meant to me.

It's cruel we're all supposed to treat people the way we're want to be treated. Some people don't even follow the rule! (Y/N) never hurt anyone a day in her life yet now, she's six-feet deep in the ground. Now...without her here, I feel honestly and truly alone.

I just don't know how I'm gonna cope.

*Time Skip brought to you buy many hard months working in the studio and some fights ensuing.*

"This one? You want this one on the album?" Patrick asked. I nodded and bit my lip, looking at him.

"(Y/N) deserves this." I said. Patrick nodded and me as we both looked at the track I decided to name, Golden.

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