Pete Imagine: Boycott Love Pt. 2

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*5 months later*

You sat on your couch of your apartment, reading some trashy tabloid magazine, when a familiar voice was heard from behind your door.

"(Y/N) (L/N). Did you forget what today is?" Pete called teasingly. You smiled and dropped the magazine on the couch. You grabbed a leather jacket from the closet before answering the door.

"How can I forget? Five months since we were both freed from our chains in life." You giggled. Pete smiled and offered an arm to you.

"Shall we?" He asked.

"We shall." You smiled back, taking his arm. You and Pete walked to his car where he drove you two to the clearing where you first met. Ever since that night, you and Pete bonded over heart break and got to know each other very well. You'd met his bandmates and parents once while he met your friends and parents. Sure feelings were developed over time, but were never acted upon. Pete pulled into the clearing just as the stars were coming out.

"And here we are." Pete announced. He looked over at you, taking notice of the jacket you had on. It was the one he'd left over at your place after you two had a movie marathon. Pete noticed that you looked...cute in it.

"Well, why are you looking at me? The stars are right there." You joked. Pete smiled and nodded sharply.

"True it's just...we've come so far. We were both heartbroken people when we met. Look at us now. We're somewhat stable!" He chuckled. You nodded in agreement.

"Yes, we are somewhat stable." You teased. You would've said more, but something caught your eye.

"Pete, a shooting star!" You exclaimed. The star flashed across the sky, making your face light up with happiness. Even Pete couldn't resist your cute smile.

"Well, did you make a wish?" He asked.

"Duh." You giggled.

"What'd you wish for?"

"If I tell, it won't come true." Pete sighed and shoved you slightly.

"Punk." He scoffed. You smiled deviously and ruffled his hair.

"Jerk." You mumbled. You felt your stomach flutter as Pete glared at you. Those brown eyes peering into your very being.

"I'm gonna get you back for that." He promised.

"Give me your worst." You snickered, trying to cover up the uneasiness in your stomach. Was this butterflies in your stomach? But you don't love Pete right? You can't! The both of you promised not to fall in love anymore. But damn his gorgeous face, you were slipping fast.

To be continued...

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