Pete Imagine: Boycott Love Pt. 3

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You sat in the car as Pete drove silently.

"The sky was pretty clear tonight." You said, attempting to make conversation.

"Yeah. The stars were gorgeous." He agreed.

"So...uh...seen any good movies lately?" You chuckled nervously. Why were you nervous? This was Pete, your very best friend, who also wasn't into falling in love!

"Yeah, Finding Dory." Pete replied with a small smile on his face.

"You're joking?"

"I am dead serious." You bursted out in laughter that filled the car and made Pete's heart flutter. He glanced over at you and saw your eyes closed tight in laughter. You were clutching your stomach, bunt over in laughter. Pete thought that it was most beautiful thing ever.

"Why is that funny?" Pete chuckled.

"You are a grown ass man. Why the hell would you see that?" You giggled.

"So you're gonna tell me you didn't watch Finding Dory?"

"I didn't say that."

"Then why are you bugging me about it."

"You're supposed to be cooler than that." Pete scoffed while parking outside the apartment complex.

"You're more trouble than you're worth...maybe." He teased. You rolled your eyes, getting out of the car. You and Pete walked up to your apartment, trying to process the emotions you were feeling.

Pete's stomach was doing backflips having you so close to him and he didn't know what it was. He thought it was probably the green tea Kit Kats again.

Your heart was threatening to beat right out of your chest the way it slammed against your ribcage. Just looking at Pete was making you feel weird. Were his eyes always that attractive?

The two of you reached your door and looked at each other. Pete was a sweaty nervous wreck. Like, he was sweating so bad, he would give Patrick a run for his money. You didn't know what to say. It was as if your lips were glued together.

"Have a good night." Pete stuttered.

"Yeah, the best of nights." You chuckled awkwardly.

"Alright cool." Pete leaned in to hug you, but paused when his face was right in front of yours. Your (E/C) eyes looking deep into his brown ones. All he had to do was lean in and connect his lips to yours. He started to lean and so did you. This was definitely gonna happen. Nothing was gonna stop you!

Nothing except awkwardness.

You and Pete totally miscalculated and missed each other's lips. Instead you ended up head butting, surprisingly hard.

"Shit." Pete hissed rubbing his forehead. You frowned rubbing your own forehead.

"See ya later." Pete muttered before leaving you watching his retreating form.

To be continued...

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