Joe Imagine: Falling In Love

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Joe knew what was happening and it scared him.

You were guarding yourself from him.

After dating for 5 months, Joe was head over heels in love with you and he knew you felt the same about him. Only thing is, you wouldn't show it.

You had a terrible relationship before where your ex would accuse you of crazy things, not pick up your calls, pick random fights with you, and cheat on you periodically. You truly were broken from all these events, but Joe still look you, broken or not.

You love Joe and you want to tell him but you don't trust yourself. You don't trust yourself to open up so much because then you think that Joe will forget about you and it will be repeat of your last relationship.

Now this relationship you had with Joe wasn't perfect and he knows it. You always ask him a whole survey of questions, but Joe answers because he knows your just scared. He acts differently from your ex so you can see what real love is, and you can't help but fall deeper.

"Joseph." You mumbled, walking next to him one night.

"Yeah, (Y/N)?" Joe replied, looking over at you with those beautiful blue eyes igniting a fire in your heart snd soul. You bit your lip and grabbed Joe by both hands. You looked into his eye and gulped noticeably.

"I have to tell you something." You stuttered. Joe just gave you that encouraging smile and that was when you knew for a fact that he wasn't your ex. Joe was a completely different person and he wouldn't hurt you.

"Go ahead." He whispered. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.

"I love you." You breathed out. Joe took your face in his eyes and pulled your lips to his, catching you in surprise. When Joe pulled back he had the biggest smile you've ever seen on his face. He pressed his forehead to yours and mumbled,

"I love you too."

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