Pete Imagine: Thermochromic Table Pt.2

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Pete's POV

I sat on the couch, watching as (Y/N) was talking to her mother over the phone.

"I'm fine mom, honest. It's been a month since...the accident. I've made peace with it." (Y/N) sighed. I could imagine that she were talking about my accident.

"It's alright baby. I'm still here for you." I spoke, my words falling on deaf ears.

"I love you (Y/N)." I smiled weakly. (Y/N) hung up the phone and grabbed her keys off the counter. Where was she going?

"Hey, are you going out for pizza? Damn, I really miss pizza." I complained. (Y/N) just kept walking to the car. I followed her and smirked as memories came back to me.

"Hey baby, I call shotgun!" I laughed, sliding off of the top of the car. I used to do this all the time and fall off, making (Y/N) laugh every time. Thus time she just walked to the car with a blank reaction. I got in the passenger seat and put on my seatbelt.

Yeah, like that's gonna be much help.

(Y/N) started the car and a painful song came on right at that moment.

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends

I cringed and looked over at (Y/N). She would have episodes throughout the day where she would stop, remember me, and just cry. She placed her hands on the steering wheel as a crutch and took three deep breath. I wanted so badly to take her in my arms and tell her everything would be fine.

"You're alright baby girl. I'm never leaving you, not ever." I told her. (Y/N) eventually turned off the radio and pulled out of the yard. She was driving down the street when I heard a choked sob leave her throat. I turned to see tears streaming down the face of my beloved.

"Oh baby..." I mumbled helplessly. I heard a honk and looked up at the rode. We were on the wrong side.

"(Y/N), car!" I yelled. She looked up, as if she heard me, but it was too late. The car rammed into the car head on and another car hit the side, not breaking fast enough. The car flipped on its top and the airbags deployed I looked over at (Y/N). Her eyes were closed, blood staining her body as she hung limply from her seat.

"(Y/N)? Oh god, please get up." I panicked. I could only wait as sirens were heard in the distance...

*Magical time skip brought to you by Joe slapping you with his Joe Fro*

She laid on the bed, pale and broken. A coma. She was in a coma and there was nothing anyone could do. It was up to her if she wanted to open her eyes again. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I couldn't physically get tired, but I could practically imagine how tired I would be if I were alive. As I sat and watched her body, I heard a small voice.

"Pete?" I quickly got up and turned around. My face fell as my heart fluttered.

(Y/N) stood in front of me with a shocked expression on her face.

She could see me.

" I dead?" She asked in confusion.

To be continued...

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