Pity Party: The Results

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"And the results are in folks!" I announced.

"Mr. America, the envelope, please." I smiled as Steve Rogers walked out wearing a red, white and blue bow tie and the American flag printed boxers. He handed me the envelope and I kissed his cheek.

"Thanks Stevie." I winked. Steve walked away giving everyone a great view at his butt.

"Amazing isn't it?" I gushed to you and the guys.

"Totally." Pete scoffed.

"What does the envelope say?!" You sighed.

"The results of the envelope will be revealed...after these messages!"

after these messages!"

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"Jesus, those were some pretty hot men amiright?" I winked

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"Jesus, those were some pretty hot men amiright?" I winked.

"The results!" You and the guys yelled.

"Geeze Louise. Alright, alright. It says...you are not the father?" I said in confusion.

"So...I'm not the father?" Pete asked hopefully.

"You man whore." Andy sighed slapping him.

"Okay, who switched up the envelopes!?" I growled. Steve scurried out and handed me what should be the real envelopes.

"Come on people, this is supposed to be a professional production!" I yelled. I turned back to the camera, the smile back on my face.

"Okay, we have tallied the 114 comments given in on the last chapter. It looks like...Book Four will at a Wattpad near you very soon!" I announced.

"All you sinners stand up, sing hallelujah!" You sang happily.

"You heard it here folks. Tun in very soon for the fourth installment of the Fall Out Boy Imagine series. As always, I'm FallOutBarnes, and have a great day." I smiled, winking at the camera.

"And that's how you end a book people!" I cheered, dropping the mic.

"Now someone get me my fluffy blanket and computer, I got to get to writing! Also book me a flight to Wakanda!" I ordered walking off to my dressing room.

"Author! W-what about us?" Patrick asked, still tied to the chair along with you and the guys.

"You don't think we're gonna be stuck here until the new book, do you?" Joe frowned.

"It's gonna be a long while." You sighed.

"And guys, I have to pee." Pete whimpered.

Yup...this one's gonna be a doozy.

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