Patrick Imagine: Know Your Other Half Pt. 4

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After you had completed your scene, you quickly made your way back to your dressing room. Aaliyah was a good kid, but sometimes she could get very messy. She is a kid after all. You opened the door to your dressing room and what you saw surprised you. Patrick was sitting on the couch telling your daughter about love.

"So when a man loves a girl so much, he can feel it. He loves everything about the girl, including things he may not like so much about her. Some boys are idiots- you know what I'm talking about right?- anyway, some boys don't realize their feeling for a girl or they show them in different ways. All in all, love makes people act crazy and different, but when you find it, it is a beautiful thing." Patrick explained.

"Wow, I hope my mom finds love like that." Aaliyah replied.

"What was that about me finding love?" You teased. Patrick and Aaliyah both turned to you.

"Mommy!" Aaliyah cheered. You giggled, picking her up in your arms. Patrick just smiled and stood up from the couch.

"Sorry to intrude. I was looking for you but instead found Aaliyah. We were watching Spongebob." He explained. You smiled back and shook your head.

"It's fine. I'm glad someone was here watching her." You confessed.

"Mommy, can Patrick come over for dinner tonight?" Aaliyah begged, tugging on your shirt.

"As long as Patrick's not busy, I'd love to have him over for dinner." You replied, looking into Patrick's eyes. Her smiled and nodded his head.

"I'd love to." He accepted.

"Great, I'll text you the address and  time. You still have my number right?" You said.

"Yeah. I'll be looking forward to that text." You and Patrick spent almost a minute just staring into each other's eyes while Aaliyah just watching in confusion.

"Patrick Stump to the stage, Patrick Stump to the stage." A voice said over the PA.

"That's me." Patrick chuckled. You giggled and put Aaliyah down from your arms.

"Break a leg Patrick." You smiled fondly. Patrick smiled back and nodded.

"Thanks (Y/N)." He replied before leaving. Aaliyah noticed something growing between the two of you. You were acting crazy and weird. Patrick said that people in love acted crazy and weird. Is it possible that you were falling in love with Patrick?

To be continued...

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