Pref #5: Bullies

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You frowned, paying close attention to the sketch of a tree you were doodling in your notebook.

"Hey (L/N), why don't you come over here and show me what that mouth do." One boy whispered. You pretended not to hear and just continued drawing.

"Now you and I both know her mouth can't do anything. The bitch can't even talk!" Another laughed. You but your lip and tried to drown out the boys' comments.

"Nah, what she lacks in speech, she makes up for in sexual content." A different one stated. You rolled your eyes and say up quickly, tears brimming in your eyes.

"What's wrong (Y/N), cat got your tongue?" The first boy sneered. You shook your head and walked out of the library. You kept walking until you bumped into a solid force.

"Sorry." A deep voice said. It was deep, but came from a small guy which made you smile.

"Oh you're (Y/N), the mute girl. I've heard a lot about you." He said holding out a hand.

"Aww look! Stump and (L/N) are talking. OTP." One guys snickered. Patrick glared at the guys while you blushed.

"So what? What's so wrong with trying to communicate with (Y/N)? She might be mute, but it doesn't mean she's any less interesting or stupid." He barked. You smiled up at Patrick as he gripped your hand reassuringly. You squeezed back. Maybe you did have someone to stand up for you.


"I'll be right back. I need to go see Pete about where our next band practice is." Joe said holding your hands in his.

"You better hurry. He said this test is gonna be one of the hardest of the year." You warned Joe. He smiled and kissed you swiftly, before running off to find Pete. You walked into the biology room and sat in the back, next to the fish tank. The teacher was talking about genetic engineering and had a few diagrams on the   board. He was quickly called out of the room though by the chemistry teacher.

"I'll be back. Copy down the diagrams." He ordered before leaving. You continued to copy the diagrams when suddenly a hard slap was landed on your face.

"That's for stealing my boyfriend, bitch!" Hannah (idk) growled.

"I didn't steal him." You mumbled.

"Bitch I know you did. Why would he lower his standards so damn low after being with me?"

"Can't go any lower than dirt."

"Oh hell no!" Hanna grabbed you by your hair and dunked your head into the fish tank.

You flailed around trying to hit her as you felt a fish tail slap your cheek.

"Hannah!" A voice yelled. The grip from your hair was released and you came up, gasping for air. Joe stood there with a murderous look on his face. You ran into his arms and cried out of fear and shock into his chest

"Touch my girlfriend again, and I swear to god, I will not hesitate to call Elisa and Meagan to fuck you up. They don't mess around, bitch!" He spat. Hanna just stood there in shock as Joe led you out of the room.


You sat on the bus, listening as everyone talked about you.

"She's so gross."

"She's so weird."

"She tried to kiss me once!"

"She's probably gonna take her dad to prom." You rolled your eyes at their comments and looked down at your hands. Everything that they were saying was untrue. You had recently transferred to the school and hadn't gotten a chance to really get to know anyone yet. You definitely didn't know where the rumors were coming from though.

"Hey there (Y/N)!" Pete Wentz said, sliding into your seat. The whole bus went quiet, everyone staring at your seat.

"Hi. Pete, right?" You stuttered. The black haired boy gave you a warm smile, lacking any malice of deceit.

"Yeah! I'm actually pretty surprised you know my name." He chuckled. You blushed and shrugged.

"I hear a lot about you." You replied.

"(Y/N) has a crush on Pete!" Someone yelled. The whole bus started laughing and you mood began to deflate. Pete noticed and kissed your cheek.

"I think it's cute if you have a crush on me." He said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I think you're a pretty awesome chick." Pete continued, a bit quieter.

"Thank you." You smiled. After that day, the teasing lowered to a minimum.


"Dodgeball!" The coach yelled throwing the rubber spheres  out on the gym floor. Dodgeball. The bane of your existence. As soon as the boys picked up the balls, they all looked at you.

"Damnit." You hissed. You ran around the gym trying to make sure they couldn't get you. You would've been successful too, if only someone didn't spill water on the floor. You slipped on the water while simultaneously being hit by 4 out of 7 dodgeballs. You landed on your face and refused to get up. Why stand when you're just gonna embarrass herself.

"And down goes the Emo." They boys hollered. They all high fived and laughed at you. You felt a hand on your shoulder and looked up to see Andy Hurley. Andy knew exactly how to handle you being bullied by the asshole guys.

"Hey, you good?" He asked.

"I've been better." You shrugged.

"Want some lunch?"

"Sure, I could eat." Andy took your hand as you two walked out of gym.

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