Patrick Imagine: Now I'm Grown

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"My little sister is flying in today!" Pete cheered, catching his bandmates off guard.

"Your little sister? You mean (Y/N)? Geeky glances, Braces, and Jonas Brothers (Y/N)?" Joe asked.

"Yes. It's been a while since you guys have seen her." Pete shrugged.

"No shit. Last time I saw her she was 15 and we'd just put out Cork Tree. She has to be at least 25 now." Andy chuckled.

"It's hard to imagine her now." Patrick sighed.

"I bet she still goes crazy for Joe Jonas." Joe snickered.

"Actually Trohman, I hear it's One Direction or whatever that's the new rage now." A voice said. The guys turned see a girl wearing a smirk on her face.

"Oh shit, Pete, your sister got hot!" Joe gasped. Pete slapped Joe before going to hug his sister.

"Hey you! How was your flight?" Pete asked.

"Good. It helps when you fly first class. Thank you for that." You smiled.

"Only the best for my little sister." Pete replied, kissing your cheek. Andy and Joe went to greet you properly, while Patrick stayed glued in his position. He couldn't believe the gorgeous girl who was standing in his presence. This was (Y/N) Wentz, the same girl who was caught dancing to the Jonas Brothers in an oversized t-shirt, singing into a hairbrush. This was the girl who Patrick had always thought was adorable, but in a little sister way. Now...Patrick could not get Joe's words out of his head.

Oh shit, Pete, your sister got hot!

To be continued...

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