Andy Imagine: Civil Dinner War?

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A/N: sort of based on an Andy Imagine I did in book 2 'Don't Be Jealous' and Civil War. Don't worry there are no spoilers for Civil War because I haven't seen it yet.

"Is the house clean?" You asked frantically.

"Yes (Y/N)." Andy sighed. You looked in the mirror and checked your appearance.

"Oh my gosh, I look like a piece of shit!" You gasped.

"(Y/N), you need to chill. You look beautiful as always and besides, you're only aloud to care about your appearance for me." Andy said kissing you quickly.

"Andy, we are having dinner with Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan. This is not something that happens everyday." You mumbled. Andy kissed your cheek and hugged you.

"They're people too. It's like when we had our first date."

"I spilled my drink on you...twice!"

"Yeah...don't do that." The doorbell rang and your eyes got wide.

"Don't panic! Remain calm, this is not a drill!" You squeaked. Andy face palmed himself and went to answer the door.

"Hey you guys, come in." Andy said, greeting Chris and Sebastian.

"Thanks man. Great house." Chris said.

"Where's (Y/N)?" Sebastian asked.

"I think she's in the kitchen. I'll go get her." Andy replied. He walked into the kitchen where you were double checking the food.

"This won't kill them, right?" You asked.

"I don't know. Are you a good cook?" Andy joked.

"But I'm not!"

"Go and greet our guests while I bring out the food." You walked into the dining area where Chris and Sebastian stood, talking to each other.

"Hey there guys." You said, awkwardly.

"Hey (Y/N)! Great to see you again." Chris smiled, hugging you. Internally you died, externally you just smiled and nodded.

"Likewise." You said, hugging Sebastian.

"I hope you guys are hungry. (Y/N) really worked hard on this today." Andy announced, bringing out the food.

"Well, let's put it to the test shall we?" Sebastian smirked at you. You giggled and all sat for dinner.

*Time Skip brought to you by Andy subtly glaring every time Chris or Sebastian would make you blush*

About an hour into dinner, everything was going smoothly, until the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it. It's probably Pete or something." Andy shrugged. He got up and opened the door.

"Well, why wasn't I invited to this party?" A familiar voice said. You gasped and turned to the sound of the voice. Robert Downey Jr stood next to Andy in your dining room.

"Oh my god." You breathed.

"This is a dinner for people who believe that freedom is a right we're all given." Chris said, glaring at Robert. Unknowingly to you, Andy planned this whole thing, knowing the hard month you've been having at work.

"Well why don't we let the lady speak? How about it (Y/N)? Team Cap or Team Iron Man?" Robert asked. You looked from Chris and Sebastian to Robert.

"I mean, I'd have to choose team..."

A/N: and that's a wrap. It's an open ending for those of you who want to pick your own sides. 1 WEEK UNTIL CIVIL WAR AIRS NEAR ME!!! I was going to catch an early Thursday screening but I have a test in my honors class that requires studying...:(. Anyway. Hope you guys liked the chapter. Hugs, kisses, and loads of love <3

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