Pref #25: If I Die Young...

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You laid in bed, Patrick falling asleep slowly next to you. The quiet room making your head roam various situations. One just couldn't be pushed away.

"If I die tomorrow, what would happen?" You asked quietly. Surprisingly, Patrick heard you sat up, turning to look at you, blue eyes shining with concern.

"Hey, what's got you thinking that?" He asked softly, stroking your hair.

"Things happen. Things we can't control and I want to know what would happen. I want to be prepared." You told him shakily.

"Tell me. Tell me what you want."

"I...I don't want you to be sad for too long. I mean shed a few tears, bury me, and get over it. I mean it Patrick. It breaks my heart to imagine the pain you'll feel."

" just want me to forget about you?"

"Pretty much." Patrick sighed and kissed you softly.

"I'm not sure I'll be able to do that. You're a big part of my life (Y/N). I can't just forget about you." He said.

"Then promise me you'll at least try and be happy." You sniffled. Patrick hugged you, kissing the side of your head.

"I promise I'll try."


You sat connected to the many hospital wires. After a car crash, you were admitted with various fractures and a mild concussion. All in all, you'd live. But you could shake that lingering feeling of death. Joe came into the room, relief written all over his features.

"Oh thank god. I thought I'd lost you." He smiled kissing you and hugging you.

"Don't let me die please." You begged in choked sobs. Joe pulled out of the hug and just looked at you.

"(Y/N), you're not gonna die. The doctors told me you'll be fine." He assured you.

"I don't mean today. If anything ever happens again, don't let me die. I want extraordinary measures I want anything and everything! I'm not ready to leave this world or you. Our story still has so much to add to it..." You trailed off. Joe gave a soft smile before kissing you.

"(Y/N), you're not going anywhere. Not until you're 105 and laying with me in our bed, all old and wrinkly. Even then, I'm going with you just to ensure that our story is finished, wrapped up with a ribbon." He said kissing your hand.

"I love you."


You had everything you could ever want. An amazing house, amazing friends, three beautiful children, and a loving husband. All this is yours and you're not even 40. What if one day it was all gone? What if you were gone? Who would take care of your family? You ran into Pete's home studio where he sat strumming his bass.

"Hey you. Are the kids asleep?" Pete smiled.

"I need to talk to you." You said softly. Pete immediately put down his bass and gave you his attention.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"I might die." You stated.

"What? Are you- are you sick?"

"No, but we never know what might happen."

"(Y/N), what's going on?"

"If I die, I want you to take good care of the kids and find someone who makes you happy. But I swear Peter, if you love her more than me, I'll come back and haunt your ass." You sniffled. Pete pulled you into his arms, stroking your hair.

"You're not dying on me, ever. Shit, if I have to, I'll sell my soul to a damn crossroads demon before I let you leave me. I can't do this without you." He ranted.

"But I can't do this without you." You sobbed.

"Then I guess we're both just gonna have to stay alive."


You had just gotten off of your shift at the hospital. Surgery after surgery yet you still couldn't save them all. Working around death for a living was hard. You rarely got to experience life and it made you realize your own mortality.

"Hey, you're home." Andy smiled. He kissed your cheek. Before moving to the kitchen.

"Made you some dinner. I wasn't sure when you'd be home, so it's a little cold. I can warm it up for you though." Andy continued. You just looked at up him. What would happen to Andy if one day, you just never came home.

"I want to be buried as soon as possible." You blurted out.

"Huh?" Andy asked looking at you.

"Don't try and keep me above ground for any longer than I need to be. If I'm dead, I'm dead. I can make peace with that. Just...bury me soon. And don't let (random girl name) come to the funeral. She's such a bitch." You tried for a joke. Andy grabbed your hands and looked into your eyes.

"Where is this coming from?" He frowned.

"I work around death Andrew. I know how it works. Extraordinary measures, and all that. I don't want that. You can try and resuscitate me, but if I'm not taking the bait to come back, don't keep me. I want to go." You said softly.

"Well...if that's what you want." He stuttered. You kissed Andy before stroking his cheek.

"It's not just for me. I want you to find closure and I don't think you can do that if my corpse is just laying around in some hospital. I want you to live your life." You elaborated.

"But there is no life after you..."

A/N: Grey's Anatomy really makes me question mortality. EVERYONE FREAKING DIES!!! But I'll be okay. Sorry for this little downer here, but then again I'm really not...I love you guys :)

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