Joe Imagine: When You Love Someone Pt.2

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*3 Months Later*

Joe drove the car with Ruby and Zander sitting in the backseat quietly.

"Did you guys have a good time? I mean, Six Flags was pretty amazing right?" Joe smiled, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.

"The rides were alright." Zander mumbled.

"Mommy loves Six Flags! She always gets a slushy." Ruby cheered. The smile fell off of Joe's face as his mind was brought back to you.

"Yeah...she does." He sighed. Joe pulled into the driveway of your house and parked the car.

"Alright guys. We're here." He said. Ruby quickly got out of the car, running to the front door, where you greeted her with open arms. Zander, on the other hand, took his time.

"Hey buddy, you alright?" Joe asked, looking back at his son.

"It's whatever dad. Thanks for taking us to Six Flags." Zander sighed. He grabbed his backpack and walked out of the car. Joe got out of the car and followed him.

"Hey Zand." You smiled. Joe took notice in the outfit you were wearing. You had on a t-shirt he bought you on your first date, and his jacket thrown over it along with leggings.

"Hey mom." Zander mumbled, letting you kiss the side of his head. He then ran off to his room. Joe looked up at you, nostalgia taking over every bone in his body.

"Hey (Y/N). How've ya been?" He asked.

"I'm okay." You said, even though you were far from okay.

"That's good. I'm okay too." Joe nodded (He really wasn't okay though).

"Was there something you wanted to say?"

"Yeah, I'm just a little worried about Zander. He's taking the...the divorce pretty hard."

"That might be my fault. He saw my co-worker Cody drop me home yesterday after my car caught a flat. He's convinced on dating the guy."

"...are you?"

"No Joe! We just finalized our divorce last month."

"I just feels like it's been longer."

"It does, doesn't it?" Joe looked into those (E/C) eyes he used to wake up to and fall asleep to. He studied the face he used to hold in his hands. Then the lips he used to kiss everyday. It felt strange that he wasn't allowed to kiss them anymore.

"So, I guess I'll talk to Zander then?" You said softly.

"Yeah, that's for the best." Joe said, mirroring your tone. You smiled sadly and started to close the door.

"(Y/N) wait! Please, we can't do this anymore. We can't pretend like we still don't love each other! I'm going crazy without you and I hate how empty I feel. Everything reminds me of you and I just miss you. Please, if we can't stay together for us, at least do it for the kids. Zander is just devastated and I can't stand it. (Y/N), you will always be my wife. Now please come back to me so I can be a better husband and take care of you and our children. I love you."

That's everything Joe wanted to say. Instead, he smiled back and waved a hand before walking back to his car. You watched him, fresh years now filling your eyes. You closed the door and sat on the couch sobbing into Joe's jacket.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Ruby asked, Zander standing behind her.

"Everything's fine." You brushed off, wiping your eyes.

Joe sat in the car, his head on the steering wheel, as he yelled and cried out all his frustration.

"Dammit! I love you, I love you, I love you!" He sobbed, the tears falling from his eyes at a rapid pace.

Two people now broken, all because they love each other too much.


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