Patrick Imagine: Hummingbird Heartbeat Pt.2

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You opened your eyes to be met with a hospital setting.

"Jeeze, what did I bump into this time?" You mumbled.

"Nothing. You just weren't really breathing." A voice said. You jumped and turned to see Patrick, watching you with worry etched into his features.

"Sorry for scaring you." He apologized.

"'s okay." You stuttered. Your heart rate monitor started making faster beeps.

"Oh Jesus, I think your heart's speeding up again. The doctors don't even know why it happened." Patrick sighed.

"No it's fine. I just gotta get it under control." You tried to think about anything but Patrick. You thought about gross things like dog poop, wet snow, and the word moist. Gosh, that one was the worst. Your heart rate monitor somewhat showered.

"Woah, how'd you do that?" Patrick asked in awe.

"I thought of gross things." You replied. He laughed and once again your heart rate sped up.

"Shit." You grumbled.

"Do I have something to do with your heart beat. If I make you uncomfortable I can leave." Patrick suggested, but you didn't want him to go.

"I mean, this is really weird and embarrassing, but you're the reason my heart's acting like this." You confessed, a growing blush appearing on your cheeks.


"I don't know. You're just really adorable and it makes my heart speed up." Patrick tried to hide a smile.

"You think this is funny?" You asked, a bit hurt.

"No, I think it's the cutest thing I have ever heard." He chuckled. You blushed harder and your heart rate speed up again.

"We have to get this under control if we're gonna be spending time together." Patrick decided.

"We're what?" You asked. Patrick just held the side of your face and kissed you softly. Your eyes were wide open in surprise as the monitor was beeping out of control.

"Relax." Patrick mumbled against your lips. You followed his advice and melted into the kiss. Your heart rate slowed down the slightest bit as you continued to kiss Patrick, but it was enough not to kill you, and that's all Patrick needed.

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