Pete Imagine: Thermochromic Table

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A/N: Requested by thelittlewolf45 based on the idea of the Thermochromic table.

Pete's POV

I stopped in front of the door and smiled. I was finally home after our longest tour yet. I opened the door and stepped into the familiar house.

"(Y/N), I'm home!" I called. Weirdly enough, I didn't get a response.

"Baby girl, you here?" I asked. I walked into the living room where my beautiful princess was crying on the couch.

"(Y/N)! Hey, Princess, what's wrong?" I asked sitting on the table in front of her. She didn't even look up at me. Instead she just cried harder into her hands. I'd never seen her so upset.

"Whatever's going on is gonna pass baby, I promise you. I'm home now, we're not touring for another year or so, and I'm not going anywhere without you. I love you (Y/N). We're gonna get through this together." I promised her. She looked up at me, her sobs pausing. I smiled until her body started shaking with sobs again. She grabbed a picture of me and her from right next to me. I remember taking the picture with her on our 5 year anniversary. Right after I proposed. She pulled the picture to her chest and cried harder.

"I love you Pete. I love you so damn much." She sniffled.

"I love you too." I smiled. (Y/N) stood up, using the table as a crutch. She walked to the kitchen and I noticed something weird about the spot on the table. It was like those heat sensing tables. I stood up to see my own print and my blood ran cold.

My print wasn't there.

"(Y/N)!" I yelled. I ran into the kitchen to see our tv playing. I was on the tv.

The rest of the band except bassist, Pete Wentz, survived. It was the worst bus crash in 5 years.

I'm dead? I cannot be dead. I just got back from tour. I'm home with (Y/N). She said she loved me!

"(Y/N), please tell me I'm not dead!" I cried reaching to touch her. My hand only went through her shoulder and she shivered.

"No, no, no." I mumbled. I watched (Y/N) walk back to her room, still shaking with tears.

I can't believe I died.

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