Andy Imagine: Why Me? Pt. 3

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You watched the man with pity, how could you not know who you are?

"Hey, can I call you John?" You asked softly.

"Okay." He said quietly.

"John, can I take you with me? I work for an agency that can help you."

"Is it a bad one?"

"No, not a bad one. I promise." John hesitantly nodded and allowed for you to slip your hand in his.

"When we get to my jet, you're gonna see people with guns. They're harmless though, I promise." You warned John. You were very careful to talk in a soft voice and make predictable movements. You really didn't want to be mistaken as a threat.

"Okay." He said quietly.

"Why are you out here by yourself?"

"I was told you were coming and I had to finish the job from 5 years ago. You...changed." You blushed and looked down at the snow covered ground. The first time you met John, you were 19, fresh out of the academy. He was your first mission. Now at 24, I you had changed a bit and become more mature.

"Yeah, it's been a while." You mumbled. You got to the jet and saw Hayley and the agents sitting quietly.

"John, these are my friends. You can sit next to me." You said softly. You guided the man to a seat and had him sit next to you.

"Your friends don't look like they like me." He whispered.

"Th-They're protective." You stuttered. John scoffed and rolled his eyes. Soon, everyone jolted as the plane landed. John stood up quickly holding his gun.

"What was that?" He growled.

"We landed John! It's okay! You can put the gun down." Hayley said, standing slowly. John looked over at you and you nodded your head. John nodded back and put away his gun. He put out his hand, waiting for you to take it in yours.

"Come on John. I'm gonna introduce you to Director Hoppus." You told him, leading him to Hoppus' office.

"Here is your John Doe sir." You reported.

"Take a seat, Andrew." Hoppus said nodding towards a chair.

"Who's Andrew?" John asked you.

"I guess it's you." You shrugged. John, or Andrew, sat in the chair and pulled you on to his lap, catching you off guard.

"I see you've taken a liking to Agent (L/N)." Hoppus commented. Andrew's grip around you waist tightened in a protective manor.

"Mr. Hurley, I have some people who wants to see you." Hoppus said standing up. Hurley? Who is this guy? The door opened and
Agents Stump, Wentz, and Trohman stood at the door, adorned in their tactical gear

"Andy." Joe gasped. Andrew, or supposedly Andy, stood up still holding you and looked at the three agents.

"I know you guys." Andy commented.

"It's a long story. One I'd be glad to tell you if you come with us." Pete pleaded. I'd never seen so much raw emotion in the eyes of an agent.

"Wait...tell me how I know her. It wasn't from our last mission. I feel connected to her." Andy pleaded making all eyes focus on you.

"You don't remember her?" Patrick asked.

"I'm Agent (Y/N) (L/N) sir, but what do you mean by remember?" I asked.

"You were engaged."

To be continued...

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