Pete Imagine: Bite Me Pt. 6

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A/N: Still a wreck from the concert last night but I'll be okay. (That's a pic I took of Pete from last night)

Pete woke up in a cell to see you looking at him.

"(Y/N)? I thought you were dead." He stuttered.

"Yeah...about that." You sighed. You opened your mouth to show Pete your fangs.

"William." He gasped.

"I'm sorry Pete. I've become the thing we hate." You sniffled.

"(Y/N), I could never hate you. In fact I love you, vampire or not, because I know you're not like the rest."

"I love you too Pete." You and Pete pressed your lips together through the space of the bars.

"Well, isn't this lovely." William scoffed, making you and Pete break apart.

"Fuck off William! I didn't ask to be this so don't expect me to be grateful." You snapped.

"Whatever, my queen. Take your pet from his cage and take him out and about for a bit. Courtesy of your love."

"Yeah right."

"Come on love. You're nicer than this." You grit your teeth and faked a smile.

"Thank you so" You spat. William smiled and walked away.

"Love?" Pete asked.

"It was the only way I could save you." You said guiltily. Pete frowned and help your hands in his.

"I don't care what you did. I love you and you love me, nothing will stop that." He said. You smiled and kissed him again.

"Yeah, you're right."

A/N: I might turn this into a book so be on the look out for that!

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