Joe Imagine: Miss Mysterious Pt. 3

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Joe's POV

I don't wanna call her now.

But I really do want to.

What if it's too soon?

What if she thinks I'm weird?

Oh crap this is nerve wracking.

Just as I was about to make a choice, my phone rang, scaring me. I picked up and sighed.

"Hello?" I answered lamely.

"Joe?" The person replied. I almost choked on my spit. It was (Y/N)!

"Oh, hey girl, hey." I chuckled nervously, desperately trying to sound natural.

"Hey. I wasn't sure if it was too soon to call, but I really had to talk to you again." She said sheepishly. I looked up towards the ceiling, praising the lord, sweet Jesus for this phone call.

"It's definitely not too soon. So what's up?" I smiled.

"I was just sitting in my apartment and I was just thinking about how awesome it would be if you came over."

"Came over?"

"Yeah...but just to hang! We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with." I found myself blushing and becoming nervous.

"Yeah sure, I can come over." I stuttered.

"Awesome. I'll text you the address. See ya soon!" I hung up the phone and mentally cursed myself.

What am I getting into?

To be continued...

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