Andy Imagine: Missing You Hurt More Than Being Shot

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A/N: I like that reminds me of old FOB song titles. Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy the imagine. I haven't been interacting much because I've been busy, but I'm trying. I appreciate you guys so so much!

You stood in your kitchen waiting for your pizza rolls to be finished. It seemed like they were taking years to heat up. All you wanted was to hear the beeping of your microwave, signaling your wait was over. You took in a shaky breath watching the pizza rolls and began to cry.

You weren't crying over the pizza rolls of course; you were hurting. It's been a month since you and Andy broke up and you were trying to convince yourself it was for the best. You couldn't be what he needed obviously and you'd just have to live with that. But how can you? You and Andy had been together for 2 years and that fateful day, one month ago, you expected him to want to advance in your relationship, not end it completely.

As your sobs lessened, the microwave decided to take pity on you and beep. You wiped your eyes and took your pizza rolls out of the microwave. You walked to the living room couch and sat with your feet in the chair. An aching pain started to make itself known in your side. You ignored it, knowing exactly what the cause was. You ate your pizza rolls while watching (favorite show) on the television. The doorbell rang, snapping you out of your viewing of your show. You got up and opened the door. Your heart ached this time as you saw who was at the door.

"Andy." You breathed out.

"Hey (Y/N). May I come in?" Andy asked, struggling to smile.

"I...I don't think that's a good idea." Andy's already weak smile fell, but he nodded in understanding.

"That's cool. I, um, I made a mistake (Y/N)." He sighed.

"Huh?" You asked in confusion.

"With us, I made a mistake. I didn't want to leave you, but I got scared because I found myself not being able to be without you. I thought, what if our attraction backfires and hurts both of us? It was like a band-aid (Y/N); I had to rip it off quickly."

"Andy, that's was some serious dumb shit. I love you. You know I love you! Do you know what this month did to me? I was in so much pain. Physically and emotionally."

"(Y/N), I'm sorry."

"M-Missing you...hurt more than being shot, and that's saying something. Remember, I know what it's like to be shot." Andy bit his lip and looked down at his feet.

"I want you back (Y/N), but not as my girlfriend. I want you my wife." Andy said, getting down on one knee. You gasped as he produced a ring from his pocket.

"Can I have time?" You blurted out quickly.

To be continued...

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