Patrick Imagine: Recovery

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~Warning!! Mentions of miscarriage~


"It's okay (Y/N), just keep breathing! Everything will be okay!" The nurse yelled. You closed your eyes and took deep breaths followed by exhales. Suddenly the pain was gone and you saw the nurse leave with the doctor, worried looks on their faces.

"What's going on? What's happening to my baby!" You yelled in exhaustion. You looked around for Patrick and found he was missing. Then, he appeared at the head of the hospital bed. You turned to look at him when his hand rested on the side of your face.

"The baby is going to be saved." He said.

"Saved...?" You asked.

"Yeah, you are gonna be a terrible mother. Patrick junior has to go." Your eyes went wide as the tears came.

"Patrick! No, no, please!" You pleaded.

"Lesson one, caring too much for a child can be dangerous." Patrick mumbled before looking at the doctor standing over you. The doctor nodded and took a scalpel, cutting into your stomach. You screamed bloody murder. When it was over, you saw the silent, premature, child in the doctor's arms.

"Aww it has your eyes." Patrick sneered at you. He then looked back at the doctor.

"Dispose of it." He said nonchalantly.

"No, please don't. Please, Patrick! This is your child too!" You begged, the tears rolling from your eyes. The doctor looked from Patrick to you and left the room with your dead baby.

"No! Come back, please. I want to see my baby!" You cried, shaking in the restraints that suddenly appeared.

"We can't always get what we want." Patrick whispered in your ear.

*End Of Dream*

You woke up drenched in sweat and crying. Patrick shot up and looked at you.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I had a dream about how they took our baby." You sobbed. Patrick wrapped his arms around you and kissed your collarbone.

"It's gonna be okay. You're safe here. Our baby may be gone, but he'll be okay. Somewhere up there, someone is taking good care of him. I love you (Y/N) and you're gonna be okay." He mumbled, kissing the spot under your ear. The way you shook in his arms resembled a Chihuahua.

"Tricky, what would you have named them?" You mumbled quietly.

"The baby?" Patrick asked.

"Yeah. I just can't help but wonder."

"If it was a boy, I would have liked to name him Patrick Martin Stumph Jr. and if it was a girl, I would've named her Aurora Christina Stumph." You smiled as a tear slipped from your eye.

"Those names are beautiful." You sniffled.

"And I promise you we'll get to use them." Patrick vowed, kissing your temple and rubbing your now flat stomach.

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