Patrick Imagine: Know Your Other Half Pt. 4

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Previously, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

"Break a leg Patrick." You smiled fondly. Patrick smiled back and nodded.

"Thanks (Y/N)." He replied before leaving. Aaliyah noticed something growing between the two of you. You were acting crazy and weird. Patrick said that people in love acted crazy and weird. Is it possible that you were falling in love with Patrick?

Now, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

You looked in the mirror trying to decide what to wear.

"Mommy, can you help me put on my shoes?" Aaliyah asked running into the bathroom.

"I'm a minute honey. I don't know what to wear." You sighed.

"I'll get Pete." You daughter said, running out with the same speed she entered with. When she came back, Pete was standing beside her.

"Alright what's the problem?" He asked.

"I need an outfit to wear." You sighed.

"Bitch, I gotchu." Pete smiled.

"Language!" Aaliyah scolded. You giggled and looked at an embarrassed Pete.

*Time Skip brought to you by you modeling many different outfits as Pete and Aaliyah either approve or disapprove.*

"This is the one! You look hot!" Pete exclaimed. You wore a black V-neck and dark blue jeans with holes.

"Thank you so much Pete. I owe you." You smiled.

"Girl please, you owe me your life by now. I'll let you know when I need it." Pete joked. You scoffed and looked at Aaliyah.

"Let's get those shoes on." You smiled.

Patrick's POV

I walked up to the front steps, holding a bouquet of (favorite flowers). Aaliyah had told me they were (Y/N)'s favorites.

I was so nervous about what to wear that in the end I put on my button up dark jean shirt and black skinny jeans. I unconsciously shifted the fedora on my head before ringing the doorbell. It took about 2 minutes before the door opened, revealing Pete.

"Hello again Patrick. I see you're here to eat dinner with my best friend and her daughter." Pete said.

"Yes I am." Patrick chuckled. Pete just stared at him with a straight face.

"Did I say something funny?" He asked.

"No sir." Patrick frowned.

"Don't you dare hurt (Y/N). Hurt her and you hurt Aaliyah. Those two are my family, so you'll have to deal with me." Patrick just nodded. Pete smiled and moved to the side.

"Come on in. Dinner is ready." He said.

A/N: Okay, this imagine will definitely have to be turned into its own book or short story. I have too much to add to it and it just can't fit in here. Since my finals are almost over, look out for this and the Andy imagine. They will be turned into their own books

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