Andy Imagine: Missing You Hurt More Than Being Shot Pt.2

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Previously on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

"I want you back (Y/N), but not as my girlfriend. I want you my wife." Andy said, getting down on one knee. You gasped as he produced a ring from his pocket.

"Can I have time?" You blurted out quickly.

Now, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 3...

"What?" Andy asked, smile fading.

" can't just spring this on me like this Andrew! You broke up with me for a month." You explained nervously.

"(Y/N), I know I should've never left you, but I still love you and I want you to be with me until the end of time." Andy shot back.

"But what if I learned to live without you? What if...what if I just became numb to being shot?"

"Are you saying you don't love me anymore?" Your eyes went wide and you quickly wrapped you arms around the ginger puppy.

"Andy, I am in no way saying that I don't love you anymore. I will always love you. No matter what." You explained.

"(Y/N), I know this is sudden and I know I hurt you. These things are all aware to me, but I'm proposing. In the movies, the girl rarely says no." Andy sighed.

"That's the thing; this isn't the movies Andy. This is real life. I'm not sure what I want my answer to be." Andy looked as if someone had just broken his favorite pair of drumsticks.

"That's...that's okay. Take your time. I um, I'm gonna head home now." He mumbled, shoving the ring and box back in his pocket.

"Andy, I'm sorry." You sighed.

"It's fine. See ya."

*Time Skip brought to you by a montage of the memories you and Andy had while I'm Like A Lawyer... plays in the background*

After 2 days, you had your decision. You knew exactly what you wanted to say. You walked to Andy's house and knocked on his door 4 times. When Andy opened the door, he noticed the big smile on your face.

"You've got an answer?" He asked, hopefully.

"You got a ring?" You asked teasingly. You flew into Andy's arms and kissed him.

"Yes, yes I absolutely will marry you, Andrew John Hurley." You mumbled against his lips. Andy just chuckled and continued kissing you, glad you took him back.

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