Joe Imagine: Look What I Found!

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Joe sat on the couch, reading the newspaper while Ruby and Zander were playing over in the corner. He was enjoying his day of with peaceful silence. You went out to buy ingredients for tonight's dinner, allowing him time alone with his kids. Even then being in the same room as him was a blessing. Joe wasn't home nearly enough, so days like these were rare. He was just about to turn the page of the newspaper when the door slammed open.

"Guys, look what I found!" You cheered. Joe, Ruby, and Zander all turned to see you holding a scrappy looking cat.

"Kitty!" Ruby cheered. She started running towards you and the cat, followed by Zander, until Joe snatched them both up.

"Woah, woah, woah! (Y/N), do you even know what that cat has?" Joe asked.

"He has a heart and that is enough for me." You pouted.

"He's cute." Ruby giggled.

"Can we name him Scrappy?" Zander asked in excitement.

"Name him? We're not even keeping him!" Joe scoffed. You, Ruby, and Zander looked at him with pleading eyes.

"But why?" You all whined.

"B-Because he's dirty! That thing probably is infested with diseases that can kill us all." Joe replied. You walked towards Joe, petting the car lightly.

"Joey, it's just a little kitty cat." You pouted. Joe sighed and looked down at the beaten alley cat.

"We're taking it to the vet right now to gets its shots and checked out. Until then, no one's touching it. (Y/N), we're taking you to the hospital." Joe caved.

"Yay!" You cheered as Zander and Ruby high fived.

"Whatever. Just get in the car everyone." Joe ordered. Ruby and Zander took off, leaving you with your husband. You smiled and kissed him briefly.

"Thank you Joey. Maybe I can call my mom to take the kids tonight...then I can show you just how thankful I am." You smirked. Joe's eyes went wide in surprise as you giggled.

"Damn, if that's all it takes, bring home as much strays as you want." He stuttered.

"I'll keep that in mind for next time." You winked, skipping to the car. Joe just sighed and followed behind you. No wonder he worked all the time, his wife was adorably insane.

A/N: Hey there guys. I'm going to Music in the Parks tomorrow! We're going to six flags and I'm so excited!! I'll try to get some writing done since I'll be on a bus for like 2 or 3 hours. Love ya!

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