Pref #4: You're Secretly Dating

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"Tricky, please do it again?" You begged, tugging on Patrick's cardigan sleeve.

"Fine." He sighed. Patrick rolled his eyes and made the face again, making you laugh.

(A/N: This was the first picture that came to mind XD)

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(A/N: This was the first picture that came to mind XD). He smiled hearing the laughter fill the room.

"Jesus, how do you even make stupid faces like that?" You asked.

"It's a gift. Maybe I'll teach you one day." Patrick winked. You giggled and pressed your lips to his. Patrick held your cheek with one had while the other wrapped itself around your waist.

"Patrick! Dude, have you seen my bass?" Pete yelled. You and Patrick quickly broke apart. You went on your phone and Patrick pretended to be interested in the show playing on the tv. Pete came in pouting like a baby.

"Patrick, do you have it?" Pete asked.

"Nah dude. Sorry." Patrick apologized. Pete looked over at you in surprise.

"(Y/N) what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I was bored at home. Decided to stop by." You lied. Pete smiled and kissed your forehead.

"Whatever baby sis." He said before leaving.


You knocked on Joe's door and head a come in from the other side. Joe was sitting on his bed wearing his glasses with guitar in hand.

"Hey Joe

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"Hey Joe." You smiled.

"(Y/N), you're early." He commented.

"Early bird catches the worm, am I right." Joe chuckled and placed his guitar in his case. He peered his head out of his room and cleared his throat.

"(Y/N) and I are going to start her guitar lesson! No one bug us!" He yelled. Pete, Patrick, and Andy and yelled back some form of agreement. You smiled as Joe closed the door. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pushed you on to the bed.

"I don't see you nearly as much as I should." He mumbled before capturing your lips with his.

"I agree." You mumbled back. You and Joe kissed for a while before actually beginning the lesson. And by a while, I mean an hour ;)


You walked into the award show scanning the room for one person. You both found each other at the same time. Pete smiled, automatically lighting up the whole room.

You smiled back and made your way over to him

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You smiled back and made your way over to him.

"Pete Wentz. It's been too long." You commented. Pete smiled and pulled you into a hug.

"Too long for sure." He whispered in your ear. You giggled as he pulled back.

"Where are you sitting?" He asked.

"Center of the middle row. You?" You replied.

"Front of the middle row." Pete nodded and hugged you one more time.

"Meet me backstage after the show. I'll show you where the real after party is." He whispered. He pulled out of the hug with a wicked smile, leaving you flushed. Damn him.


You laughed while walking to your class with your friend.

"Is that (E/C) eyes." You heard a familiar voice ask. You rolled your eyes and turned to see Andy walking with his friend Patrick.

"Gee, hey ginger. How's it going?" You sneered. Andy shot you a week smile and scoffed.


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"Whatever. Have fun sitting in your shitty class." Andy shot back.

"Yeah whatever asshat." You hissed turning the corner. Patrick and your friend both had to hurry to their own class so the left. Andy followed you behind the corner and saw you waiting for him with a big smile on your face. Andy chuckled and kissed you passionately.

"Sometimes I think you like fake fighting with me." You pondered, breaking the kiss.

"I'd rather be real loving you." Andy replied. You smiled and connected your lips back with his.

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