Pete Imagine: Begin Again (If I Woke Up Next To You Pt. 2)

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A/N: I was listening to Vanilla Twilight by Owl City (I used to love Owl City sooo much) when I got the idea to write this. Enjoy.

Pete sat on the edge of his bed, the only rings he owned were the ones around his eyes. He studied the stars and remembered the nights when you would both lay in bed and stare out of that exact window.

"And that's the Big Dipper...oh! And there's your dick pic." You'd tease. Pete would laugh and pull you closer into his chest, inhaling the scent that is you.

But that couldn't happen anymore.

Two days.

It's been two days since Pete last closed his eyes for any type of rest. All he could do was think about you. He couldn't imagine sleeping anymore without your arms around him or your face snuggled into his chest.

Pete blinked slowly, seeing you behind his eyelids. On nights when his insomnia would act up, you would be right there with him, watching the sky changed colors and the sun peak from over the horizon.

It just wasn't the same without you.

There was no one to whisper sweet nothings to, no one to make stupid jokes to make him laugh, and there was no one to fill that space in his heart.

Silence is all the occupied the room along with Pete. He didn't exactly mind it, until his eyes would trail down to his hands and suddenly everything was blurry. The spaces between his fingers are right where yours had once fit perfectly. It was always the nostalgia that would get to him.

Pete wanted nothing more than to join you. To leave this world behind and meet you in space where your love would forever live on. But he knew you wouldn't want him too.

Pete laid back on the bed and pulled the blanket over his clammy skin. He turned to your side of the bed and imagined you laying right there, watching him. Those warm (E/C) eyes and that slight smile you'd give to only him.

It made him feel not so alone.

Pete smiled at his imagination of you and reached out to touch the pillow.

"Sleep Pete. You look like shit." He heard you telling him. Pete chuckled and listened, eyes closing for the first time in two days.

*Next Morning*

When Pete woke up, he felt...better. For the first time in a week, he felt lighter and alive. Pete slowly got out of the bed and looked around the room. Now, instead of seeing a constant reminder that you were gone, he saw reminders that you were still here. When Pete blinked, he saw you standing in front of him, white tank top and white underwear, smiling at him.

"(Y/N)..." He murmured. Your hand came to rest on his face as he leaned into your touch.

"Stay alive for me..." You pleaded. Pete chuckled as a few tears fell from his eyes.

"And here you are still quoting Twenty One Pilots." He sniffled. You giggled and placed your lips over his briefly.

"I will always love you." You vowed before disappearing into thin air. Pete cried out of relief. He cried for the relief of closure he was finally able to attain. He picked up his phone after wiping his eyes and called the first number he saw.

"Pete! Hey man, what's up?" Patrick's concerned voice came from the phone.

"You wanna do something? I don't know, like hang out or something?" Pete asked.

"Yeah, definitely. I'll be over in a few."

"Awesome. See you soon." Pete hung up the phone and looked back at your side of the bed. He smiled and walked towards the bathroom. You watched from the corner of the room, silent tears streaking down your face.

"Begin again Peter. Live again." You whispered.

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