Pete Imagine: And If I Fall For You Pt. 2

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You and Pete walked over to the aisle where his ex was shopping with her new boyfriend.

"So we capture her attention and make her jealous? That's it?" You whispered into Pete's ear.

"Yeah, then you can continue with your life." He whispered back. You two stopped near his ex, but not too close. You wanted her to notice you two.

"Pete, start talking about something couples talk about." You ordered.

"So (Y/N), what kind of cereal should we get. Trix or (Favorite Cereal)?" Pete asked, noticing he was in the cereal aisle.

"Whatever you want Petey Pie." You giggled. Pete snickered at the nickname and threw (Favorite Cereal) in the cart.

"Pete? Is that you?" Pete's ex asked.

"Hey...uh...Ashlee! Hey, how are you?" Pete smiled, wrapping his arm around your waist.

"I'm, uh, I'm pretty good. I'm sorry, this is my boyfriend, Lance." Ashlee said.

"Nice to meet you. This is my girlfriend, (Y/N)." You smiled and shook Ashlee's hand.

"Wow Pete, she's gorgeous." Ashlee complimented.

"I know, I tell her everyday." Pete said, smiling over at you. You felt your cheeks heat up at the attention you were receiving.

"Gosh you goof, you're making me blush." You giggled, slapping Pete's arm.

"So Pete, how would you and (Y/N) feel about coming over for dinner sometime. I'd love to catch up and get to know the both of you." Ashlee suggested. Pete looked over at you with pleading eyes. Ugh, those brown eyes could convince anyone to commit a murder.

"Yeah, that would be great." You answered. Pete smiled in relief and kissed your cheek.

"We'll be there." He confirmed.

"Great. I still have your number so I'll text you with details." Ashlee left with Lance and you turned to Pete.

"We need to get our couple story straight, fast." You ordered.

"Cool, so wanna come to my place?" Pete asked. You looked at Pete skeptically but shrugged.

"Could've at least taken me to dinner first..." You mumbled.

To be continued...

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