Patrick Imagine: Close

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You say on the park bench, reading a new book that your friend recommended. You peered over your book to see your friend, Patrick Stump, already staring at you. You both blushed and hid back behind your books. You and Patrick always had this attraction to each other but had never acted upon it. This led to stolen glances and unspoken conversations with your eyes. You looked over at him again and smiled slightly. He was so adorable. Beautiful dirty blonde hair and those blue green eyes made you weak in your knees. The next time you looked up, you were surprised to see Patrick sitting next to you.

"I-I hope this is okay." He stuttered. You smiled and shook your head.

"It's just fine." You replied. Patrick smiled back and looked down at his book. You looked at yours as well but could sense every movement made by Patrick. He shifted closer to you so you shifted closer to him. At this point, you were a foot away from each other but still not even looking at the other. You took one hand off of your book and rested it on the bench next to you. You sensed Patrick's warmth from his hand as it found its way next to yours. You both looked at each other and smiled before looking back at your books. Patrick inched his pinky towards yours and intertwined it with his. You couldn't help the blush that found its way on your cheek and that's when you decided to give in. You sighed and let your head fall on Patrick's shoulder. You were both smiling and reading your books, pinkies intertwined, on the warm spring day.

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