Andy Imagine: Full House

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You sat at you kitchen taking notes when a loud noise broke your concentration.

"Cyrus?" You asked, standing quickly. You walked to the room and peaked in to see your freshly woken up son standing by his broken lamp.

"Oh jeeze Cy." You sighed walked towards the broken glass.

"I'm sorry. I was sleep and my hand hit it." He apologized.

"No it's okay Cy. At least it didn't wake up Fabian." You smiled. Just as you said that, the sound of a cranky 5 year old was heard.

"Mommy!" Fabian yelled. You looked back at your younger son and ran a hand through his hair softly.

"Well, I guess that was on me." You said, picking up Cyrus and setting him on your hip. He was very tiny for a 3 year old. You walked with him to Fabian's room, and saw Fabian sitting on the bed with a frown on his face.

"What's wrong, cupcake?" You asked.

"Where's daddy?" Fabian pouted.

"He'll be home soon." You smiled.


"Pinky promise." You linked pinkies with him and watched as Fabian raised his arms.

"I want uppie too." He smiled, missing his front teeth. You laughed and picked him up, resting him on your other hip.

"Alright boys. Who wants to watch a movie?" You asked happily.

"Simba!" Cyrus cheered.

"No, Nemo." Fabian frowned.





"How about we watch both." A voice said. You turned along with the boys to see Andy.

"Daddy!" They both cheered, hopping down from your arms. Cyrus jumped into Andy's arms and Fabian hung from Andy's back.

"Daddy, did you see uncle Patrick today?" Fabian asked.

"Sure did. He said to give you a big hug from him!" Andy said, pulling both boys into a bone crushing hug.

"Hi there Andy." You smiled. Andy looked up at you and put both boys on the ground. He walked over to you and kissed you quickly while hugging you.

"Hey. So, did you take the test?" He asked softly.

"I did." You smiled excitedly.


"Baby number three on the way." Andy gasped and picked you up bridal style.

"Daddy, be careful! You might drop mommy." Cyrus worried.

"Guys, mommy's having another baby!" Andy cheered.

"Another one?" Both boys asked in excitement. You nodded your head as your sons high fived.

"Why are you two so happy?" You asked.

"Because we get another brother to play with." Fabian explained.

"Uh Fabes, what if it's a girl?" Andy asked.

"That's not gonna happen. Mommy only makes boys." Cyrus said. You and Andy laughed. Andy looked down at your now flat stomach and smiled again.

"Jesus, this family really is getting huge." He commented.

"We're gonna need a bigger house." You noted. Andy kissed you one more time as your sons jumped around your feet.

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