Pref #30: He Dies

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A/N: I got so emotional while writing this but I promised y'all feels and I will end you with the feels...enjoy.


You sat in the hospital waiting room, 3 year old Diana coloring in a coloring book and your 2 month old son, Declan, was sleeping in your arms. You gently rocked the small child as tears streamed down your face.

Who brings a gun to the supermarket?

Patrick was just on his way home after work when you told him that Declan was low on diapers. Of course, Patrick being the saint that he is, offered to go to the store and pick some up.

Why didn't he just come home?

"Mrs. Stumph?" A doctor called. You looked up from Declan's sleeping form, with hopeful eyes.

"This is she." You said standing. A social worker came over to watch your two children as you walked with the Doctor.

"So, how is he?" You asked.

"Your husband was shot three times in the chest area. One bullet punctured a lung, the other hit a kidney, and the last grazed his heart." The doctor explained.

"But he's okay though right?" You walked into a hospital room and saw your husband laying there, tubes down his throat and his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful.

"Mrs. Stumph, things may have been different if that last bullet didn't graze his heart, but it stopped way to much times during surgery. There is little to no brain activity in your husband's brain. These tubes are breathing for him now." The doctor said apologetically, but you didn't want to hear it. All you saw was Patrick, laying there.

"His chest is moving." You said quietly.

"That's the machine." The doctor replied. You shuffled to Patrick's bed side and grabbed his hand, pressing it to your cheek like he'd done almost everyday for 4 years.

"He's still warm." You protested, voice cracking.

"Mrs. Stumph..."

"(Y/N), my name is (Y/N)." You interjected. The doctor grabbed your hand in theirs and looked into your eyes.

"If these machines were shut off, your husband would die. There is a slim to none chance that he will ever comeback from this so keeping him here would just prolong the grief. Your husband is dead. I'm so sorry." They said. You looked at Patrick's pale skin and ran a shaky hand down his cheek.

"He was getting our son diapers. Ou-Our two children, they're out there waiting to see their father. What do I tell them?" You panicked, tears now rushing down your face.

"Mrs. Stumph, I know it may seem like your whole life is falling apart around you but it will get better, trust me. I've been where you are now." The doctor said. You glanced over at Patrick one last time, remembering the smile that used to grace his face.

"Where do I sign to terminate his life support?" You sniffled.

You walked out of the hospital room, wiping your eyes. Diana was showing the social worker her art and Declan had woken up.

"Hey guys." You said, faking happiness.

"Mommy! Is daddy okay?" Diana asked looking up at you with those eyes she shared with her father. You sniffled and fought back a sob.

"We're going home now and we'll talk about your father tomorrow." You said taking her hand and holding Declan in your other arm.

The very thought of sleeping in an empty bed made your stomach drop.

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