Pref #35: You're Taller

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Requested by nickelodeon8234


You were woken up to a string of very loud expletives that even I, as a writer, cannot repeat.

"Patrick?" You yawned. You slipped out of bed and walked to the kitchen where Patrick was trying to crawl on the counter.

"Tricky, what are you doing?" You asked. Patrick turned to you sheepishly.

"Well, you put the cereal at the top of the fridge again and I didn't wanna wake you up." He confessed. You laughed and effortlessly grabbed the cereal from the top.

"I'm sorry Patrick. It's gonna take a while getting used to living with another person." You sighed.

"You mean another short person." He teased.

"But you have such a big personality." Patrick couldn't help but throw his head back in laughter.

"Thanks (Y/N)." He smiled kissing your hand.

"Anytime Pattycakes." You replied kissing his forehead.


You and Joe walked out of the restaurant laughing genuinely.

"Did you see that guy? He was so confused when he saw us." You laughed.

"That's like half the population. It's like they've never seen a tall woman with a shorter guy." Joe scoffed.

"It's rare to see, but people don't know what they're missing. Short guys are awesome." You placed your arms around Joe's shoulders, walking behind him.

"So when we get home, what do you wanna do? Watch a movie or something." You asked.

"Yeah sure. Can I pick this time?" Joe replied.

"Since you paid for dinner, sure." He clapped excitedly and grabbed your hand dragging you to your apartment.

"Dude, I bet she tops." Some random guy said to his friend, loudly enough for you and Joe to hear.

"Damn right she does!" He called back, making you laugh as you looked back at the shocked look on the guys face.

Joe always was one to not give a single shit.


You were scrolling through the Internet, bored to death, when you saw some random article about Pete.

"Pete Wentz has a tall girl fetish?" It read.

"What the actual hell?" You muttered.

"What'cha reading?" Pete asked, startling you. He did move fast for a tiny guy.

"This article about your supposed tall girl fetish." You explained.

"Thats ridiculous." Pete scoffed.


"Yeah, I wouldn't call it a fetish. It's more like an appreciation."

"Wait, what?" Pete sat next to you and sighed.

"Listen (Y/N), I don't look for much in a girl's outer appearance as much as I do on the inner appearance. When I find out she's beautiful on the inside, that's when I start looking on the outside. If the girl is tall, that's just a bonus, I don't base out entire relationship on it. I just...I like tall girls." Pete explained.

"Oh my gosh, why am I just hearing this? That is really poetically beautiful." You complimented.

"What can I say, I'm a poetic guy." You rolled your eyes and shoved Pete off the chair.

"Whatever little guy." You teased.

"I love the cute names you give to me." Pete said sarcastically. You giggled and kissed him.

"Love ya!"


"Andy, Andy, look!" You gasped, waddling over to your husband.

"What's up?" He asked turning to you.

"Look at this crib, it is just the cutest thing!" You squealed, placing your hand on your 7 month baby bump.

"Well if you like it, we can buy it." Andy chuckled at your excitement.

"Oh my gosh Andy, you are just the love of my life. You treat me so perfectly. Thank you for that." You sniffled, your emotions heightened due to your pregnancy hormones.

"Woah, look at one of the seven dwarfs with Snow White." Some douchebag said, gesturing to you and Andy. Within a split second, you turned to Mr. Douchebag, a resting bitch face sitting perfectly on your face.

"The fuck did you just say about my mans?" You asked lowly. The guy froze, fear taking over.

"I...uh...I." Mr. Douchebag stuttered.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Don't you ever talk about him, say what you want about me, but not about my little Andy-Poo! You see this stomach, it's pregnant...with twins! Obviously his thrust game is better than yours. Your girlfriend, who looks great by the way and is glowing, only has one baby. Don't talk shit if you ain't ready to get hit!" You barked into the guys face. 

"Sorry." He squeaked running off. His girlfriend smiled at you though.

"Girl, you're pregnant with twins? You look great!" She complimented.

"Yeah girl. There's this gym in the mall that really keeps you in shape. It's a life saver." You replied. The girl left and Andy stared at you dumb founded.

"What are you waiting for Mr. Hurley. Grab the crib and let's go." You smiled. He smiled and kissed the back of your hand tenderly.

"I love you so very much." He chuckled.

"I know." You said cutely, walking off like a bomb ass bitch.

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