Pete Imagine: Stay

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A/N: Requested by @Caite_Wentz and based on the song Stay by Mayday Parade.

Pete walked into the super store wearing a hood over his head, and his tired brown eyes avoiding contact with anyone else. He walked to the frozen food aisle, picking up the foods he'd need for the week. He walked to a freezer door, putting out his hand to grab the handle, when another hand beat him to it. Pete raised his eyes to look at the woman and gasped.

"(Y/N)." He mumbled.


"Hey...what are you doing?" Pete asked, seeing his girlfriend of a year throwing her clothes in a suitcase.

"I'm leaving Pete." (Y/N) sighed.

"On what? A vacation? Business tip?" Pete chuckled nervously.

"I'm leaving you." (Y/N) confessed. She zipped up the suitcase as Pete's heart broke.

"What did I do?" He whimpered.

"I just...I've gotta go." (Y/N) sighed. Pete grabbed her arm quickly.

"No! No, you're not leaving me!" He yelled.

"Peter let go! You're no good for me?"

"How?! I give you everything you need. I've been providing for you for a whole year and you've never been happier."

"That's the problem! You tried to buy my affection and not earn it. I want someone who loves me, Pete."

"I love you!" (Y/N) scoffed and turned to the door.

"Please...stay." Pete mumbled watching her leave him.

*End of Flashback*

(Y/N) looked from Pete into his cart. He picked up two cases of beer and sleeping pills. It was then she noticed the state he was in. Sleep deprived eyes and a hungover gaze. She just frowned with a disapproving gaze.

Pete watched (Y/N)'s frowning mouth and cracked a small smile. For some reason, all he could think about was the time they fooled around on her mothers couch, when things were still good between them. All Pete wanted to hear (Y/N) say was that she loved him. He just needed to know.  After all the time alone he had without you made him realize that he was wrong to shower you in materials instead of affection. It was unfair to you and just plain wrong. He knew that now, but it was too late.

(Y/N) broke the wordless gaze she and Pete held by clearing her throat.

"Hey (Y/N)." Pete smiled. Her face stated the same as she shook her head in disapproval.

"Please understand if I see you again, don't even say hello." She said before walking off and leaving Pete with a broken heart, again. 

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