Patrick Imagine: Don't Go Around Catching Feelings

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You smiled from the side of the stage watching Patrick and the guys perform their first show of Wintour. You tapped your feet in time with Andy's drums.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Meagan yelled over the loud music. She held Bronx's hand with one a and the other had Saint. Saint had on notice cancelling headphones because the loud music upset him sometimes.

"Hey Meagan. What's up?" You asked.

"Just here for Pete. You?" She winked suggestively.

"I'm here because Patrick asked me to come."

"Oh that probably doesn't have anything to do with the fact that he's insanely in love with you. Note the sarcasm." You scoffed and rolled your eyes.

"Whatever. I'm just here for my friend." You confirmed. The show ended and the guys headed backstage.

"Guys, that was amazing!" Meagan cheered, hugging Pete.

"Thanks baby. (Y/N), what'd you think?" Pete asked you.

"It was great guys. This is gonna be an amazing tour." You answered sincerely. Patrick smiled at you with a blush forming on his cheeks. Your smile fell and you shifted on your feet.

"Well, I'll be leaving now guys. You must be beat." You chuckled nervously.

"Really, you're leaving? But the night is so young! Let's go out or something." Joe suggested.

"Yeah we could go to the bowling alley down the street." Andy added.

"Come on (Y/N), you gotta come." Patrick begged. You shook your head and turned, leaving the venue. You walked to your car, digging in your purse for your keys, when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You screamed and punched the perpetrators who turned out to be Patrick.

"Damn! Sorry Trick." You apologized.

"It's fine. I should've known not to scare you." He shrugged.

"Why'd you follow me Trick?"

"Well, why'd you run off (Y/N)? You don't usually turn down a chance to hang out. I mean, I'm leaving for tour and this might be our last chance to hang out for a while." You frowned and sighed.

"You like me." You stated.

"Well yeah. You're my best friend." Patrick replied.

"No, you like-like me."

"Who told you that?"

"Patrick, it's obvious! Anybody could've ran out to get me, but no, it was you!"

"I take it from the tone in your voice the feelings aren't requited." Patrick said in a soft voice. It absolutely obliterated your heart.

"Patrick...just...don't go around catching feeling next time, alright? You especially can't have them for me." You sobbed. You took your keys and got in your car, driving away from a confused and broken man.

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